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Unexpected situations

Andrés Baltazar Enríquez

N°2 3-B T/M
Teacher: Irene
High (secundary) school #5
Laura Rosales Arreola

He was eating……
…when his mom send him for the
My cousin was walking in the
street when one dog hit
We were in the park…
...When suddenly started to rain
I was walking with my dog…
…when suddenly my dog barked
and scared people

(This is not my dog but they look alike)

He was cooking…
…When suddenly he broke the pan
(this is not Bread)
He was running…
…when suddenly he fell
He was driving a car…
…When suddenly he crashed the
These three missing sentences are
related to Avengers. Why i felt like it and
why this is my job when they do theirs,
they do it like they want. (this is for the
classmates no for the teacher).

Teacher don ‘t put out points of my work please

Thor was about to kill Thanos…
When he snapped his fingers and
destroyed half of the universe
Thanos was cooking a soup…
…When suddenly The Avengers
apper (and kill him)
I don’t fund the especific pictures for each
scene but i have one before Thanos
start to cook his soup and one afther
Thor killing Thanos.

Thor was fine….
…When he got depressed and fat
(yes this is my profile picture)
Before finishing this i just want
to say that i didn’t do this with
If you don’t like the sentence of Thor i
put one more sentences afther this slide

(yes i use traductor to know, who i write

slide in english but is the only time that i
use translator)
We were playing soccer….
When suddenly they gave a
knock with the ball to the girl
Finally this is the end of my



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