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Bastanta Tarigan,SpPD-KEMD
 Clinis: dysuria, urgency and bacteuria
 Urin : suprapubic aspiration, catheterization: 1000-
 Acute infection : Urethritis, cystitis and pyelonephritis
 Etiologi: Nasocomial and catheter infections
 Asymptomatic or symptomatic
 Etio: Gram neg( always) and 80% E.coli
 Subdivided into two general anatomic categories
Lower tract infection : urethritis, cystitis and
Upper tract infection : acute pyelonephritis and
intrarenal and perinephric abscess.
 Microbiologically: growth of more than 100.000 per ml
of midstream urine
 Women>> Man
 DD/ Appendicitis, cholecystitis, pancreatitis
 Pyelonehritis: complication chronic renal failure,
obstructive uropahty (stone) and prostatitis
Acute nephritis
 Involve glomeruli-tubules
 Infmmatory process
 Manisfested clinically acut GFR but transient
infmmatory process, rapidly progressive renal failure
and salt and water retention
 Manisfestation clinically: hypertension , pulmonary
vascular congestion, facial and peripheral edema.
 Damage glomerular : urin blood cell and plasma
Acute nephritis
 Etio : poststreptococcal glomerulonephritis and non
streptococcal post infections streptococcal
 Acute glomerulonephritis with post infections
streptococcal (tipically for nephritis)
 Patologi: Deposit immune complex following post
infections streptococcal .
 Biopsi : the need for acute nephritis with founded
proliferatif glomerulonephritis
 Treatmen: supportive: sodium and fluid retention or
loop hypertension. Severe hypertension with
nifedipin, diazoxide
Acute nephritis
 Treatment with ion exchange resins and or dialysis for
severe oliguria,flluid overload and hyperkalemia.
 Antimicroba : penicillin or, diazoxide

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