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Beat Your Blood Pressure Problem

High blood pressure is dangerous because it

makes the heart work harder to pump blood to
the body and it contributes to hardening of the
arteries or atherosclerosis.
Lower High Blood Pressure
HTNIL helps to regulate blood pressure and maintains the
balance between supply and demand of myocardial oxygen. It
helps to regulate lipid metabolism by increasing the
protective HDL-cholesterol while lowering both total and bad
LDL-cholesterol. HTNIL IS A complete cardiac tonic made from over
16 herbs which strengthens the ailing heart. HTNIL capsules are
effective in strengthening the Heart Muscles, controlling Blood
Natural Ways to Lower Blood
HTNIL is a safe, non-addictive, natural herbal remedy designed
to help lowering blood pressure levels naturally and smoothly.
The HTNIL has been designed to safely lower blood pressure
and promote complete cardiovascular health. Directed use of
this blood pressure-lowering remedy can help to prevent heart
disease and stroke, as well as ensure healthy arteries.
With HTNIL you can enjoy:
• It helps to strengthen the heart muscles,
improve poor blood circulation and
increase red blood cell count.
• Helps to decrease peripheral vascular
resistance, and regulates healthy
cholesterol levels.
• Provides antioxidant nutrients to
promote cardiovascular health
• It helps in relieving numbness, relief
from tightness in the chest
• Helps maintain healthy blood pressure
with NO negative side effects
Causes of High Blood Pressure
• age
• a family history of high blood
• being of African or Caribbean
• a high amount of salt in your food
• a lack of exercise
• being overweight or obese
• regularly drinking large amounts
of alcohol
• smoking
• long-term sleep deprivation

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