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Please answer the

following questions
1. Once someone is suicidal, he or she
will be suicidal forever.
2. If someone tried to kill themselves once,
there is a much smaller chance that they
will try again.
3. Suicidal people clearly want to die.
4. It is a bad idea to ask people if they are
suicidal. Talking about suicide might give
them the idea that they should kill
J.J. Marchese & Assicuates, Inc.
5. If a depressed or suicidal person feels better
it usually means that the problem has
6. Young men are at the highest risk of killing
7. People who talk about killing themselves
will never do it. It's a way of letting off
steam. Those who kill themselves don't
normally talk about it. They just go ahead
and do it.

J.J. Marchese & Assicuates, Inc.

 You
 The victims family
 Significant others
 The community
 Reckless Driving
 Drunk Driving
 High Risk Sports Activities (Dare
 EG; Reckless Skating
 Reckless Stunts – “Jackass”
 Excessive Alcohol and Drug Use
 Fighting
Of the 135 students in Metro Manila ages
ranging from 16 – 25 years old:
 96 percent had experienced intense
 7.7 percent had made one or more actual
suicide attempts
 2.6 percent had made a suicide attempt that
resulted in an injury needing medical
National Education Association

J.J. Marchese & Assicuates, Inc.

Students are over 60 times more likely to
fall victim to suicide.
You Need to Know
•Risk Factors
•Warning Signs

J.J. Marchese & Assicuates, Inc.

 Previous suicide attempts
 Suicide by a family member
 Past psychiatric hospitalization
 Recent loses – death, divorce, break-up
 Social isolation – No relationship skills
 Abuse – Physical, Sexual
 Drug or Alcohol abuse – decrease in impulse
control – self medicating depression
 Exposure to violence at home – view violent
behavior as a viable solution to life problems
 Handguns at home, especially if loaded

J.J. Marchese & Assicuates, Inc.

 Thoughts about dying/afterlife
 Self Inflicting Pain
 Sudden increase in moodiness
 Withdrawal or isolation
 Major changes in eating or sleeping habits
 Feelings of hopelessness, guilt, or
The American Psychological Association and MTV Music Television have joined forces to create Warning
Signs, a violence prevention program that helps kids identify suicide warning signs.

J.J. Marchese & Assicuates, Inc.

 Impulsive, aggressive behavior
 Drop in quality of school
performance or interest in school
 Lack of interest in usual activities
 Getting into trouble with authority figures
 Giving away important possessions
 Hinting at not being around in the future.
 Pregnant / On the way of becoming a father &
cannot cope with the major changes in life
Take it seriously
Almost 80% of all suicides had
given some warning of their

Ask Directly
If you think that someone is
suicidal, ask them about it
 If in doubt, don’t wait… ASK THE QUESTION.
 If the person is reluctant, be persistent but be
PATIENT as well.
 Talk to the person ALONE or in a private
 Allow the person to talk freely
 Have your resources handy: Mobile nos.,
parents’ name or anything that may be

J.J. Marchese & Assicuates, Inc.

Be Genuine
•Listen and don’t show shock or

•Show that you care, it is more important

than saying “the right thing.”
 Stay
 Don’t leave them alone.

 Seek Help -Be actively involved

in seeking professional help
*NEVER act the HERO who saves
the Day… It might be too Late
1. Suicidal tendencies are not inherited. Some
young people fear that possibility.
2. If the suicidal person makes improvement,
suicide risk is decreased, but can still exist.
3. Never assume that talk of suicide is simply a
manipulation for attention. What if you are
4. If the suicidal person is in counseling or
therapy, don't assume they are safe from
6. Suicide never just comes "out of the blue."
There are always personal reasons for the
7. Having previously failed an attempted
suicide doesn't protect someone from
another attempt
• Professional help is crucial when
something as serious as suicide is considered.
• Help may be found at a suicide prevention and
crisis center, local mental health association,
or through clergy.
• Contact the appropriate person(s) at the

J.J. Marchese & Assicuates, Inc.

J.J. Marchese & Assicuates, Inc.
People who want to kill themselves are
"suicidal" only for a limited period of
time. During this time they either move
beyond it, get help or die.
As many as 80% of all completed suicides
occurred after previous attempts. This is
especially true for young people.
Ambivalence is a marked feature of a suicidal person.
Many don't want to die, but simply want a way to
escape an unbearable situation
Talking will help them deal with some of the heavy
issues involved and diffuse the tension. A willingness
to listen shows that people care and are willing to
If someone who has been depressed or suicidal suddenly
seems happier, don't assume that the danger has passed. A
person, having decided to kill themselves, may feel
"better" or feel a sense of relief having made the decision.
Also, a severely depressed person may lack the energy to
put their suicidal thoughts into action. Once they regain
their energies, they may well go ahead and do it.
Males between the ages of 18 and 24 have
the highest risk of killing themselves.
Question # 7
People who talk about killing themselves will
never do it. It's a way of letting off steam.
Those who kill themselves don't normally
talk about it. They just go ahead and do it.

Most people either talk about it or do
something to indicate that they are going to
kill themselves.

J.J. Marchese & Assicuates, Inc.

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