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Simple Hospital ERD

Patient is treated in a single ward by the doctors assigned to them. Patients

have Patient ID, name which is compose of first name, middle name and last
name, age, gender, address and date confined. Usually each patient is
assigned to a single doctor, but in rare cases they have many doctors. A
Doctor has its own unique Doctor Licensed Number, Name, salary (for
computation) and contact number. The ward has its room number and

There is also a healthcare assistant that attends to the patients, a number of

these are associated with a single ward. A healthcare assistant has properties
like Assistant ID, name, and age. In addition, the proposed system is
concerned solely with drug treatment. Each patient is required to take a
variety of drugs to a certain number of times per day and for varying lengths
of time. It has drug name, drug ID and description.

Your client hires you to create an ERD based on the

given business rule and map the ERD into Relation.
Simple Company Database

Naruto’s Company has several departments. Each department

has a supervisor and at least one employee. Employees must
be assigned to at least one, but possibly more departments. At
least one employee is assigned to one project, but an employee
may be on vacation and not assigned to any projects. The
important data fields are the names of the departments,
project, supervisors and employees, as well as the supervisor
and employee number and a unique project number. The name
of employee should be broken into parts.
Naruto's Website ERD

Customers visit the Naruto's website to purchase Ninja items.

Customers may or may not place orders at any time. Each order is
assigned a unique order code and an order may have multiple
items. One order can have multiple transactions. Items have
product number, description, quantity, price and date of purchase.
Each transaction has its tracking number and date transact.
Relevant customer information includes name, address, email and
telephone number.

Your client hires you to create an ERD based on the

given business rule.
Transform this ERD into Relation

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