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Visual Basic

By Leo Karlo Primero

What is Visual
Understanding Basic?
its foundation
• De facto standard
• Founded in 1987 by MSDN
• Competition with other languages
• Version 2.0 made it popular
• Went up to 6 until it was called BASIC.NET
• Newest version is Visual Basic 2010

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Visual Basic is What?
– Graphics, tools, objects
• An OOP – “*Object Oriented Programming”
– Objects make the application.

4/18/2010 *Italics - Taken from Starting out with 3

Visual Basic 2008 page 7
Visual Basic is a GUI
LOL it’s
It is A GUI – Graphic User Screen shot of Visual Basic’s Integrated
Development Environment
•Can create graphics for
•Between User and application
•Text boxes, radio buttons, and

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Visual Basic is Object Oriented
Objects to play around with Screen shot of VB tool box
• It all begins with a web
– Then place in any object unto
• A radio button, a text box, a
progress bar, and anything…
• They make application
construction look so easy
• Visual Basic makes
programming faster

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Don’t take my word for it…

Dan Mabbut, a BASIC language expert, said that

“*excellent programs could be written faster and

cheaper with Visual Basic than with any of
those languages (C, C+ and Java).”

*Italics - Taken from

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How do you code in Visual Basic?
This code is an example
First of a class
Private Sub Form1_Load(ByVal sender As
• Understand that each System.Object, ByVal e As
object has a class System.EventArgs) Handles
• Look to your right cboDistributorNo.Items.Add(100)
cboDistributorNo.SelectedIndex = 0
cboModelNo.SelectedIndex = 0
End Sub

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What is a class?
• A class is a contemporary of an object Private Sub Form1_Load(ByVal sender As
System.Object, ByVal e As
• It makes up the object System.EventArgs) Handles
– Underneath it are its codes MyBase.Load
• Divided into subroutines cboDistributorNo.Items.Add(100)
• Describes how the process
• Main class is always at the top of the cboModelNo.Items.Add("Envirn_Safe
code ")
• What this codes does is to place the cboDistributorNo.SelectedIndex = 0
numbers into the cboModelNo.SelectedIndex = 0
cboDistributorNo.Items End Sub
• This can also be an option statement
(rules of processing)
• You are going to see its output

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Before and After…

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A class and its codes
is like a teacher and its students
A teacher instructs his student
Class and codes on what to do
• A class cannot function Poor guy…
without its codes
• A class name will appear first
– But no functions
• It is an empty classroom with
no activity
• The teacher is bored (no brain
• A class needs codes to be
– It will be bored like the teacher.

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Codes within classes are instances!
• Instances are…
– Data, string, procedures, events, calculations and
– They help make class work

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Coding part 1 – Naming conventions
*“The first three letters of the name should be a
lowercase prefix indicating the control’s type.“

Be serious about naming conventions…

• No one wants a combo box to be called

• Preferably called cboDistributorNo.
– It speaks to us…
• “I am a cbo Distributor No. a combo box that distributes
*Italics - Taken from Starting out with
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Visual Basic 2008 page 14
Prefixes help
• Visual Basic detects prefixes
• Here is why

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Known prefix list
• lbl = Label
• txt = Text Box
• cbo = Combo Box
• btn = Button

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To give an object a name
• Go to Properties
• Find Name
• Type in value

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Coding Part 2 – Assigning a Variable
• A variable is an instance
• You must dim it first
– Ex:
Public Class frmTuitionCalc
Dim ResidenceStatus As Integer
– Then follow it up with an As statement

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– Assigning
it a valuea Variable

• To assign a value is simple…

– Ex:
ResidenceStatus = 0

• You can do the same with a string

– Ex:
lblDateString.Text = txtDayOfWeek.Text & ", " _
*What this does is that lblDateString.Text will have the same text as

• If you see a “.” assume it connects to a property

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lblDateString.Text = txtDayOfWeek.Text & ", " _
.Text is text property that will
affect the highlighted area
• Here is the output of it to
show you what I am talking
• Look

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What happened was
• At the last slide
lblDateString.Text gathered all the textual data of
the other variables and placed them in one string.

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Coding Part 3: Performing calculations
• Operators: • Examples
– + is addition Integer = 5 + 5;
– - is subtraction Integer = 5 MOD 5;
– *MOD gets remainder (remainder shows)
– / is *floating point Integer = 5 / 5;
– \ is *Integer division
– *^ is exponentiation

*Italics -Taken from Starting out with Visual

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Basic 2008 page 122
Coding Part 4: Converting between
variable types
Conversion Example
• Convert between items *Dim anInteger As Integer = 54
• Use a Ctype function MsgBox (CStr(anInteger))
This will convert anInteger = 54
to output as a string “54”

*Italics -Taken from
4/18/2010 us/library/8bzk8e8c%28v=VS.90%29.aspx 21
Coding Part 5: If…Then and
If…Else…Then Statements
Both statements are conditional
statements Example
• Visual Basic is unique on Private Sub chkRush_Click(ByVal
sender As Object, ByVal e As
this System.EventArgs) Handles
• If… Then is one condition is If chkRush.Checked Then
met rbtUPS.Enabled = True
rbtSpecialCarrier.Enabled = True
• If… Else… Then is if one Else
condition is not met then rbtUPS.Enabled = False
another event will trigger rbtSpecialCarrier.Enabled = False
End If
End Sub

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Here is how it works
Before After

The code implies that if chkRush.Checked = True(Rush Order is checked)

then rbtUPS (UPS radio button) and rbtSpecialCarrier (Special Carrier radio
button) will be enabled (made usable)

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Coding Part 6: The Case Statement
Another condition statement Example
• There can be several Private Sub rbtInternational_Click(ByVal sender As
Object, ByVal e As System.EventArgs) Handles
options rbtInternational.Click
ResidenceStatus = 2
• However a condition must End Sub
be met for one of them to Case Is >= 12
Select Case ResidenceStatus
work Case 0
Tuition = 1500
Case 1
Tuition = 2300
Case 2
Tuition = 3200
End Select
*NOTE: This is a shortened version of the actual code

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How it works
The code’s decision Here it is
• User inputs hours taken
• Then tuition will output
base on a case
• Typed-in 12 hours and
checked International
– International is Case 2
• Outputs $3,200

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My view on Visual Basic
• I find it faster to finish applications but it takes time to learn.
• The community is quite active
– There are people helping each other online
• I find it to be very reliable
• A programmer can decide how to tighten his application’s security
– I have a template that has a log-in feature
• MSDN is still maintaining it with bug fixes and updates
– As long as the user downloads them
• When anyone needs help with Visual Basic he can ask help from MSDN
• Visual Basic has its own Online Help
• Visual Basic’s history has shown me that MSDN still updates it and even changes
VB’s external and internal structures.
• Visual Basic’s unique features made it an all-around programming language
– Besides Programmers coded VB’s codes to create advanced applications
• One major downside is that it does not focus on actual programming
– People may not be programmers to use Visual Basic

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Outcome for Visual Basic
• So far for what I see Visual Basic is persistent
and may last for a very long time.
• I believe that after it fixes up its problems
Visual Basic will still have a lot of customers
that are willing to quickly make applications.

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Works Cited
Gaddis, Tony, and Kip Irvine. Starting out with Visual Basic 2008.
Fourth. Boston: Pearson Education, Inc., 2008. 7. Print.
Gaddis, Tony, and Kip Irvine. Starting out with Visual Basic 2008.
Fourth. Boston: Pearson Education, Inc., 2008. 14. Print.
Gaddis, Tony, and Kip Irvine. Starting out with Visual Basic 2008.
Fourth. Boston: Pearson Education, Inc., 2008. 122. Print.
n.p., "Closer Look: Converting from One Variable Type to Another." MSDN, n.d. Web. 18 Apr 2010.
Mabbut, Dan. "What is Visual Basic?.", n.d.. Web. 18 Apr 2010.

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I am thankful that He helped me persevere

through this.
Praise Jesus

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