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Marketing Strategies

• Partnering with Major Corporations so that they promote our App to their employees.
• Partnering with Rakuten so that they push our product to their existing Healthy Nutrition Consumer Base.
• Partnering with the existing shops and Pharmaceuticals who sell our products to endorse the App.
• Adding a Label in all our products which advertises our App. Adding a coupon code in the product.
• Referral Program for our App. Rewards and Discounts.
• Since we will be focusing on the 60+ age group after 10-15yrs, we need to offer loyalty rewards to our customers who
have been with us for more than 5 years.
• Organizing Tradeshows and FitNes™ Conferences


• Investing in R&D to develop New Food and Smart Electronic Products specially nurtured to our digital nutrition drive. Ex:
Diabetic Health Drinks, Stress reducing Dietary Supplements, IOT Products like Barista.
• Hiring a Forecasting Solutions Company to have a better grasp on the products and services to develop in the coming
• Acquiring or partnering with Startups established in the Digital Nutrition Market. Ex: Zipongo
• Partnering with the Three big players like Ajinomoto to widen their consumer product line by bringing their expertise and .
• Improving their AI/ML Algorithms to Give better Recommendations.
• Creating a database with unique IDs for every individual consumer so as to better track their nutritional needs.


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