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Completed grade 7 student: Ivanov Alexander

Teacher: Ryazantseva Svetlana Borisovna

About your computer
In the UK alone hundreds of thousands of
private computers are hacked every
Crackers & hackers
Types of cybercrime:
• Phishing
• Hacking
• Identity theft
• Spreading computer virus
• Illegal downloading of music/films, etc
• Spreading email spams and
• Online credit card fraud
Forms of computer attacks
• Remote gain access to a computer
• Local gain access to a computer
• Password selection:
1. Brute-force(full password selection)
2. Dictionary attack(password selection
with a dictionary or a list of words)
Protect your computer
How to create email account and
password correctly?
Avoid usernames like
‘cool13yrs’ or ‘nicegirl’.

Choose a smart
and difficult to
guess password.
Remember your passwords in your brain
Log in & log out each time
Bad option of email providers
Spams and Attachments
Software and anti-virus

Software (noun) /ˈsɔftˌweər/ - the instructions that control what

a computer can do; computer programs.
To protect your computer, you must:
1. Install and constantly update the
antivirus program.
2. Do not allow the computer to
remember passwords.
3. Change passwords regularly.
4. Do not share your password with
5. Never respond to spam.
Thank you for attention!

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