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The purpose of any poster is to communicate a message.

To accomplish that, a poster must first grab a viewer’s
A poster is a two-dimensional, single-surface format used
to inform or to persuade or promote.

To inform
display information, data, schedules, or offerings

To persuade or promote
people, causes, places, events, products, companies,
services, groups, or organizations
A SOUND DESIGN concept is the basis for the design
of a poster, and sometimes we almost can see the
designer thinking.
Formulate your key messages:
What will make the average theatergoer, moviegoer,
or concertgoer buy a ticket?

What makes this poster’s attraction, cause, or brand

different from the other choices out there?

What are you promoting?

Why should someone be interested in this social

cause? Political view?

How can you craft the message so the target

audience believes what you’re conveying?
Composition Basics
Grab Attention
Set It Apart
Communicate Key Messages
Single Surface, One Unit
Fundamentals of Composition
How the margins (width and proportions) can best
present the content

White space in the form of margins increases


Control the proportions of the margins to produce

harmony, balance & stability

Consider function and aesthetics of symmetrical

versus asymmetrical margins
The Format:
Static Versus Active Composition
The Format:
Closed Versus Open Composition
Symmetrical Versus
Asymmetrical Compositions
Illusion of Spatial Depth
Middle Ground
Tilted Plane/Imitating
The Recession of Space
Layering & Transparency
Dinhi ra kutob. Salamat!

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