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Get your Show Me Board and write the lowest term of each


4 15 6 18 22
1. 2. 3. 4. 5.
14 25 12 27 55
Do you have a pet?

What animal/animals do you take care at


Why do you think people keep pets?

What are the animals that you can see on the picture?
How many dogs? cats? birds?
How many animals are there in all?
How will you write the comparison of the number of
cats to the dogs?
How about the comparison of the number of birds to
Compare the number of birds to the total number of
Is there another way of writing the comparison of
these two different quantities? How?
Since ratio can be expressed as a fraction, we can
reduce a ratio to lowest terms by using the same
methods for reducing fractions to lowest terms.

Let’s practice writing ratio in simplest form. Get your

Show Me Board and give the ratio of the following in
simplest form.
What is the ratio of bicycles to the number of

2. In 6-Masipag, what is the ratio of girls to boys?

3. At the hospital there are 26 doctors and 39
nurses. What is the ratio of nurses to doctors?
4. For every 30 pages of an essay Lili write, she
watches 10 videos, what is the ratio of videos
watched to pages written?
5. Between Noah and Ethan they have a total of
16 race cars and 24 robots. What is the ratio of
robots to race cars?
How do we compare the quantities of 2 sets of

What are the two ways of writing a comparison

of 2 sets of objects?

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