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How many kinds of violence

are there?
Mention examples
The triangle of violence
Visible violence
Invisible or symbolic violence (P. Bourdieu, Rita

● Moral violence: insults, undermining,

calling names
Why do we say what we say?
Reproducing the models of power
Against who?
● Minorities, women,
those who can change
the status quo
Challenge those who are in power
Construction of THE OTHER
Creation of THE ENEMY
Creating fobia and chaos
Jorge Lanata (2.30)
“Sos un trava con documento de mina, no sos una mina”

“Ahora, no me parece ni bien ni mal, yo te voy a dar laburo, te

voy a querer, voy a festejar navidad con vos, NO TE VOY A
DISCRIMINAR, lo que vos quieras. Pero NO SOS UNA MINA,

Cuando Flor de la v. dice “soy mujer, soy madre”, disculpame, en

todo caso sos padre, pero me da lo mismo eso. Definite vos
como quieras

Somos tarados, estamos negando cosas que son EVIDENTES

How can we avoid violence?

Deconstruction is a way of
understanding how
something was created

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