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• At the end of the session, learners are expected to:

• 1. Distinguishes aerobic from muscle and bone-strengthening activities (PEH11FH-
2. Explains how to optimize the energy systems for safe and improved
performance (PEH11FH-Ib-c-2)
3. Explain, in writing, the difference between aerobic from muscle and bone-
strengthening activities
• 4. Categorize/classify a list of activities into aerobic, muscle strengthening or
• 5. Make an honest inventory of one’s weekly moderate to vigorous physical
Count your heartbeats
Number of Steps Classification
Less than 5,000 Sedentary
5,000 to 10,000 Slightly Active
More than 10,000 Active
Muscle strengthening exercises
• causes the body's muscles to work or hold against an
applied weight or force, often done multiple times to
train various muscle groups. Common forms of muscle
strengthening activities are resistance training and
weight lifting. Additionally, muscle-strengthening
activity can be done by using elastic bands or body
weight for resistance.
Here are a few examples:
● Strength training exercises using resistance bands,
weights or body building devices

● Sit-ups

● Push-ups
Bone strengthening exercises:
• also known as weight-bearing or weight-loading
activities, produce a force on the living tissue, known
as bones in a way that promotes strength and growth.
Weight-bearing physical activity causes new bone
tissue to form, making bones stronger.
Bone strengthening exercises:
• Create an impact or stress on the bones

• Promote bone growth and improve bone strength

Here are a few examples:

● Skipping rope

● Jogging

● Playing sports such as gymnastics,

basketball, volleyball, and tennis.
Remember to work
your muscles and your bones
at least three times a week!

Be active every day!

For better health, be
physically active every

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