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• What is obesity?
• medical condition in which excess body fat has accumulated to an
extent that it may have a negative effect on health
• BMI can determine a person whether he/she is suffering obesity
BMI (kg/m2) classification

from up

18.5 underweight

18.5 25.0 normal weight

25.0 30.0 overweight

30.0 35.0 class I obesity

35.0 40.0 class II obesity

40.0 class III obesity

Causes on obesity
•poor diet
•Lack of physical activity
Effects of obesity
• High blod pressure
- pumps blood through your
arteries to the rest of your body
-blood pressure of 120/80 mm Hg
is considered normal
-large body size may increase
blood pressure
• Heart disease
-blood vessel that carries blood to
the heart becomes hard and

-heart attack, heart failure

• Stroke
- flow of blood to a part of your
brain stops, causing brain cells to
-ischemic stroke(blood clot blocks
an artery)
-hemorrhagic stroke (blood vessel
in the brain bursts)
• Cancer
- cancerous cells sometimes
spread to other parts of the body,
such as the liver
-Fat cells may release hormones
that affect cell growth, leading to
• Diet
• Exercise

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