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•Is derived from the

Greek word “Ethos”
meaning “ the way
of doing things”
•It is a normative
science that deals
with the conduct of
humanbeing living
in a society.
•Indispensable Knowledge
•Without Moral perception,
man is only an animal
•Without ethics, man as
rational being is a failure
• Is one whose prime
authority is to enforce
the law and whose
constitutional duty is to
preserve peace, to
defend and protect the
•It is a practical science
that treats the
principles of human
morality and duty as
applied to law
•It is a habit which
inclines man to act
in a way that
harmonizes with his
•It concern to those
actions that pertains
to one’s duties
towards he’s
neighbors and
•It is the voice of
reason bidding on
oneself to
something right or
avoid something
•The ability to
moderate or to
avoid something
•It is one’s ability to
govern and discipline
oneself by means of
reason and sound
•Firmness in mind,
and courage to
endure without
•It is a virtue that
inclines the will to
give each one his
•The omission or refusal,
without sufficient excuse, to
perform an act or duty, which
it was the peace officer’s
legal obligation to perform; it
implies a duty as well as its
breach and the fact can never
be found in the absence of a
•Is the improper
performance of
some act which
might be lawfully
be done.
•Is the doing, either through
ignorance, inattention or
malice, of that which the
officer had no right to do at
all, as where he acts without
any authority whatsoever, or
exceeds, ignores or abuses his
•Generally means,
wrongful, improper or
unlawful conduct
motivated by
premeditated, obstinate
or intentional purpose.
•It manifest lack of
adequate ability and
fitness for the
satisfactory performance
of police duties.
•Imports an act of cruelty,
severity, unlawful
exaction, domination, or
excessive use of
•The concealment or
distortion of truth in a
matter of fact relevant to
one’s office, or connected
with the performance of his
•Consists of abandonment
or renunciation of one’s
loyalty to the government
of the Philippines,
advocating the overthrow
of the government.
•Presupposes conviction
in court of any crime or
offense penalized under
the Revised Penal Code
or any law or ordinance.
•The image of any
organization affects the
sprit de ’corps, morale
and welfare of members
and sense of pride to the
•There shall be a
judicious and equitable
distribution of
opportunity to prove
one’s worth in the police
•In consonance with the
requirements of honor and
integrity in the PNP, all
member must have the moral
courage to sacrifice self-
interest in keeping with the
time honored principle of
•All PNP members must
inhibit themselves from
soliciting political
patronage in matters
pertaining to assignment,
awards, training and
•All PNP members must
respect and protect human
dignity and man’s
inalienable rights.
•All PNP members should
set examples to the
subordinates and follow
good example from the
•Uniformed PNP members
commit themselves to the
democratic way of life and
values and maintain the
principle of public
•All PNP members
shall always uphold
public interest over
and above personal
•PNP member shall provide
services to everyone
without discrimination
regardless of party
affiliation in accordance
with existing laws and
•All PNP members shall
strive to be physically
and mentally fit and in
good health at all times
•All PNP members
shall guard the
confidentiality of
classified information
against unauthorized
• All member shall seek self
improvement through career
development an shall not directly or
indirectly solicit influence or
recommendation from politicians,
high ranking government officials,
prominent citizens, persons affiliated
with civic or religious organizations
with regards to their assignments.
•In the performance of duty,
PNP members shall respect
and protect human dignity
and uphold the human
rights of all person.
•All PNP personnel shall
perform their duties with
dedication, thoroughness,
efficiency, enthusiasm,
determination, and
manifest concern for public
•All PNP personnel shall
conduct themselves at all
times in keeping with the
rules and regulations of the
•All PNP personnel
must be loyal to the
Constitution and in
the Police service
•All PNP personnel shall
obey lawful orders and
courteous to superior
officers and other
appropriate authorities
within the chain of
•In accordance with the
Doctrine of Command
responsibility, immediate
shall be responsible for the
effective supervision,
control and direction of
their personnel
•It shall refer to
established and
generally accepted
moral values
•All PNP personnel shall
adhere to high standard
of morality and decency
and shall set good
examples for others to
•PNP personnel shall not
allow themselves to be
victims of corruption and
dishonest practices in
accordance with the
provisions of R.A. 6713
and other applicable law.
• PNP personnel shall strive
constantly to respect the rights of
others so that they can fulfill their
duties and exercise their rights as
human beings, parents, children,
citizens, workers, leaders, or in
other capacities and to see to it
that other do likewise
•All PNP personnel shall
recognize the fact that they are
public servants and not the
masters of the people and
toward this end, they should
perform their duties without
•All PNP personnel shall
follow logical procedure in
accomplishing tasks
assigned to them to
minimize waste in the use
of time, money and effort.
•Once a decision is made, PNP
members shall take legitimate
means to achieve the goal
even in the face of internal
and external difficulties, and
despite anything which might
weaken their resolve in the
course of time.
•Established usage or
social practices carried
on by tradition that have
obtained the force of
•Bodies of belief, stories,
customs and usages
handed down from
generation to generation
with the effect of an
unwritten law.
•A manifestation or
expression of
consideration and
respect for others.
•A formal act or set of
formal acts
established by
customs or authority
as proper to special
•Is the usual greeting
rendered by
uniformed members
upon meeting and
recognizing person
entitled to a salute.
•Members stand attention
and salute the national
color and standard as it
pass by them or when the
national color is raised or
lowered during ceremonies.
•Junior in rank address
senior members who
are entitled to salute
with the word “Sir”.
•PNP members pay a
Christmas Call on the
local executives in their
respective area of
•PNP members pay a
New Year’s Call on the
commanders and/or key
officials in their
respective area or
•Newly promoted PNP
members call on the unit
•PNP members pay an
Exit call on their superior
in the unit or command
when relieved or
reassigned of the said
unit or command.
•The PNP members honor
the flag by hoisting it
and singing the National
Anthem before the start
of the official day’s
•At the end of the official
day’s work, the PNP
members pause for a
moment to salute the
lowering of the flag.
•The flag is raised at
half-mast in difference
to deceased uniformed
members of the
•Departed uniformed
members, retirees, war
veterans or former PC/INP
members are given vigil,
necrological services and
graveside honors
•Arrival and departure honor
ceremonies are rendered to
visiting dignitaries, VIP’s, PNP
officers with the grade of
Chief Superintendent and
above and AFP officers of
equivalent grade, unless
•The relinquishment and
assumption of command or
key position is publicly
announced in a turn-over
ceremony by the out-going
and incoming officers in the
presence of the immediate
superior or his representative.
•During marriage of PNP
members, a ceremony is
conducted with
participants in uniform
and swords drawn.
•PNP members always
wear appropriate and
proper attire in
conformity with the
•PNP members
observe table
etiquette at all times.
•PNP members
conduct themselves
properly dealing
with people during
social functions.
•The public looks upon a
PNP members as
distinctively a man among
men. It is a welcome sign
when PNP members wear
their uniform properly
wherever they're may be.
•Every PNP member is
expected to walk with
pride and dignity.
•Usually on Friday or any
other day suitable for the
occasion, PNP members
gather together at their PNP
club for a light hearted
jesting or airing of minor
•All PNP members
indulge in Physical
fitness activities to
insure that their proper
appearance and bearing
are maintained
•Are behaviors
inconsistent with
norms, values, or
• A violation in the code
of ethics that involves
financial reward or gain
and favors can be
reasonably expected in
the future
• “Pasasalamat” refers to
the acceptance of gifts,
money or favor as a
result of an act
performed by a police
officer or public servant.
• “Pabagsak” is used to
denote the giving of
money or favor and
acceptance of any public
to perform his/her
• “Padulas” refers to the
taking of money, gifts or
favors from others by a
public servant to expedite
the performance of official

•Usually means False
testimonies under oath or
testifying untruthful
statement for the purpose
of misleading and fixing
the prosecution criminally
and/or civilly
•Excessive force or violence
to an extreme degree
which does not support a
legitimate police function
•Profane or Abusive
•Excessive use of
physical force to
obtain information
•The excessive use of
obscene and
profane languages
•Words having religious
•Words indicating
excretory functions
•Words connected with
sexual functions
•A sex related incidents
in the exercise of police
•Actions of Police officers
to get a closer look at
the female or
information about her
• Stopping college girls to
get the I’ll do anything
• Window peeping or
interrupting lovers lane
•Consoling victims who
have psychological
•Touching and/or sex
with the jail inmates
•The act of letting
prostitutes go if they
perform sexual acts
• Theofficer’s misuse
of police authority
for personal gain.
• Refersto mutual
bargaining behavior
engaged in between
officers and
• Refersto the practice
of solicitation of
money or favors by
officers in return for
ignoring violations of
the law
• Engagement of small
bribe by an officer in
minor offenses
• Refers to money or
something of value
given to the officer by a
“business” in exchange
for consideration
• Theft done by a police
officer in consonance
with the present
opportunity in the
exercise of police

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