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A plan or layout – is a drawn plan showing the

location, measurement and placement of the

garden plot.
In choosing the location for an ideal site of the
garden, consider the following:
a. Water supply – the garden should be
accessible to the source of water to assure a
continues supply of water.
b. Sun – the garden must receive sunshine to allow the
growth of the plants. Sun is important in the
manufacture of food in plants.
c. Soil fertility – the soil should be rich so as to make
the plants healthy. Loam soil is the best for
ornamental plants.
Making a Garden Plan
Garden Plan – is a drawing of the garden plots
complete with measurements and placements.
Planting the Ornamentals
Before planting, prepare the garden plots by doing
the following:
a. Remove all unwanted matters: stones, wood
branches or twigs, leaves, roots and wild grasses,
b. Dig the soil. Loosen it. Remove more stones and
other foreign matter under it.
c. Pulverize the soil. Spread the garden soil on top to
fertilize the soil.
Ways of Planting
There are three ways of planting:
1.Direct planting – healthy and mature seeds is planted
directly into the soil.
2.Indirect planting – this is also called asexual. A part of
a plant like a stem or branch is planted into the soil.
3.Transplanting – the young plants, with the roots intact,
is removed carefully from the soil and transferred to a
bigger box or pot or plastic bag.

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