Ell Visuals Powerpoint

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If this was your PowerPoint • This is the correct way

Slide it is wrong because

there are too many words
and sentences for the reader • Talk about each bullet
to follow. You want to use with your own words
simple bullet points as talking
points, rather than reading
points. This way, your • Listeners will be much
listeners are engaged in your more engaged!
topic, rather than trying to
catch up and read every
detail on the slide before you
move on!
Limit one or two
graphics per topic
Visuals help or screen
listeners see what
your talking about • This way readers can
follow one topic at a

Not all learners

Include writing and
comprehend the
explanations within
same, images help
the images
switch it up!
• Be conscientious about the length of the video- if the video is too
long, the listener will begin to lose focus.

• In addition, the video should not teach the entire lesson, just
strengthen your points already made!

• https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=i68a6M5FFBc
• Too many colors and inconsistent background patterns are going to be
very distracting for students and viewers.

• Maintain a professional yet appealing theme to the lesson or

PowerPoint to interest the students while keeping them focused.
• Stick with neutral or consistent colors throughout the lesson or
• Students learning a new lesson need to focus on the content
within the lesson, not the distracting visuals surrounding it!
• This font is not only This font is very clear to read for
hard for viewers to all viewers and will not be
read, it is distracting or confusing for
students taking notes!
unprofessional and
• Bring in artefacts or visuals the students can hold and pass around to
develop a sensory understanding of the lesson as well.

• Try to keep the environment controlled when using a prop within the
classroom and keep the class on track!

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