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Prepared by:
Almacen, Leigh Glenna
Alquizola, Cherry Mae G.
Salino, Kristine Jay
Types of Reproduction
1. Sexual Reproduction

2. Asexual Reproduction
1. Sexual Reproduction
◦It is characterized by two processes: Meiosis
and Fertilization

1. Bisexual Reproduction

2. Hermaphroditism
Bisexual Reproduction
◦The male species who engage in this
reproduction show heterosexual and
homosexual activities to attract female
◦A hermaphrodite is defined as any individual
organism that possesses both male and
female reproductive organs.

1. Synchronous hermaphrodites

2. Sequential hermaphrodites
Protandrous hermaphrodites
Protogynous hermaphrodites
2. Asexual Reproduction
Type of Asexual Reproduction

1. Parthenogenesis
Is the development of young without fertilization but
it involves mating with males, but the sperms only do
one of its two functions and it is for the development
of eggs.
Modes of Reproduction and
oOviparity (egg laying)
This is a mode of development where the eggs are
fertilized or developed outside of the mother’s body.
(90% of bony fish, some shark and rays)
› 5 groups of fishes that reproduce by oviparity:
◦Egg Scatterers
◦Egg Depositors
◦Nest Builders
◦Egg Buriers
The eggs are developed inside the mother’s body but
without direct nourishment from the mother.

The eggs are developed inside the mother’s body but
these eggs are provided with maternal nourishment
through placenta.
◦The number of eggs ripened by female fish
during a spawning season, or event.

1. Absolute fecundity
2. Relative fecundity
3. Population fecundity
Description of release
◦Refers to the Maturityof unfertilized planktonic
eggs by female fish. These eggs are fertilized
shortly after release by males.
oFactors Triggering Maturation and

1. Nutrition of the female

2. Physiological factors
3. Ecological factors
3. Ecological factors
Photoperiod and Periodicity
Tides (moon cycles)
Water depth
Substrate type
Exposure and temperature

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