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Programming for

Geographical Information Analysis:

Core Skills
Lecture 6:Using others’ code II:
Packages and Exceptions

Classes contain variables and methods.

We can turn these into objects containing data and methods.
We can limit who sees these using:
public :everyone can use it.
private :only the code in the class can use it.
protected : only inheriting code can use it.
We can also set them as static – meaning we can use the
methods without making an object.

We can turn (super)classes into subclasses.

E.g. a Point class can be used to make a Land class.
Subclasses invisibly pick up all the superclass code and can use
the public bits.
Alternatively we can use Interfaces, which are a set of promises.
extends : you get everything.
implements : you promise everything.
If a method expects a parent type, it can take a subclass in, but
can only use parent methods and variables.
This lecture


Packages are groups of classes.

Often you put an application in its own package.
Also ‘libraries’ of useful classes.

Packages allow us to use other people’s code.

Saves name clashes with other people.
Packages are named after the directory they are in.
Directory structures should reflect your internet address.
This means we know where classes are on our machine, and
who wrote them.
You should build up package hierarchies. E.g…

One package for everyone, one specifically for aevans’ use.

Note that directories can’t just start with numbers. All package
names and directories should be lowercase.
Naming packages

The name is each directory name separated by dots:


A class is declared as being in a package before its class


public class MyClass {

Using packages

If we want to use a class we haven’t written, we need to

import it:

import java.awt.Point;

class MyClass {
public static void main (String args[]) {
Point p = new Point();
Equally we can import a whole package if we want to use several
Classes in it…
import java.awt.*;

No major overhead – just directs compiler to find the files, doesn’t put
them all in your program.

Alternative is to give the full classname:

java.awt.Point a = new java.awt.Point();
But this only really worthwhile if two imported packages (or your own
package) have the same class name in them.

Note, though, not hierarchical:

import java.awt.*;
Doesn’t import:
Compiling and running with packages

How do the compiler and interpreter know where different

packages are?
java.lang invisibly available (e.g. java.lang.System).
Other core java packages need importing, but found
For others, they look in the CLASSPATH environment variable
for the directories where they should start looking for the tree.
This path usually contains “.”, which directs them to the current
If we want to compile a class in
Directory trees presidents we have to run the
compiler from the src directory, with
the command…

javac us\gov\presidents\
javac us\gov\presidents\*.java
to compile everything.

If we use a class

in Obama, that will also be found because
the directory tree starts the same place.
To run we use the full name of the main

But what if the trees don’t start in the same place?

We set the environmental variable ‘CLASSPATH’.

Environmental variables are just variables all computers keep

which store user preferences. You can tell the ‘javac’ and ‘java’
programs the classpath using…
javac –classpath path;path;
(in UNIX: path:path)

The programs will look in any directory listed in the CLASSPATH

for the start of directory trees.
One path should be “.” if you want to include the present
Note that if your code is unpackaged this can become quite
complicated, as the classpath must include the directory your
code is running from, and the root of the hierarchy. Assuming
you are in the latter, you'll need this kind of thing:

javac unpackaged/lazyCode/*.java
java -classpath unpackaged/lazyCode/;. MyClass

What you CAN'T do is this:

java unpackaged/lazyCode/MyClass
The JVM will just assume you're trying to run from a package.
Most IDEs will put files in their own structure.
They will construct the –classpath option suitably when they run.
They generally also allow you to add extra libraries, and sort out
the classpath for you.
These are often in the form of jar files. Jar files are zip files with
an extra text file. IDEs sometimes generate these from your code,
as you can set them to run when double clicked in Windows etc.
You can make them yourself using the jar tool:
Example: Array alternatives
‘Collection’ classes in java.util that allow you to store stuff.
Pros: these are like arrays, but store anything, and expand
Cons: tend to be less efficient than arrays and can take up a
lot of space if you’re not careful.


How do they store anything?

Most objects we create automatically inherit from a built in class

called “java.lang.Object”.

This is useful, because it allows us to make storage classes that can

store anything.

Their storage methods take in generic objects.

This means we have to cast anything in them back to the proper

Like an array, however, of variable size.

Vector(int size)
Vector(int size, int increment)

When full, the Vector doubles in size, or increases by the

increment given.
Vector methods

addElement(Object ob)
insertElementAt(Object ob, int index)
Add elements in at the top or index position.

elementAt(int index)
Gets an element at the index position.

contains(Object ob)
Checks the object is in the Vector.

import java.util.*;

public class GIS {

Vector store = new Vector(5,5);
public GIS () {
Point p = new Point();
store.add(p, 10);
// some time later
for (int i = 0; i < store.size(); i++) {
Point p1 = (Point) store.elementAt(10);

To use others’ code:

Import the package/classes.
Make sure you are compiling from the right location, or set
the classpath.
This lecture


Encapsulation demands that we don’t need to know what

goes on in other’s classes.

Fine and dandy, but what if our code causes their code to
break horribly?
FileReader f = new FileReader(someFileThatDoesn’tExist);

To understand the framework for dealing with this, we need

to understand Exceptions.

When something goes wrong we don’t want the program to crash.

We want some way of doing something about it.
When the JVM detects an problem, it generates an Exception object
at that point in the running code which represents that problem.
We can catch these and do something with them.

For example, if you try and add something to an array outside its size
the JVM makes an object of type…

Different problems generate different exceptions.

If we build classes other people will use, we can define our
own exceptions that are generated when the classes are
We call this ‘throwing’ an exception.
If code potentially throws an exception, we must deal with
the potentially thrown exception.
Catching exceptions
try {

Operations that throw an exception.

} catch (ExceptionType anyName) {

Operations that deal with the anyName exception.

The catch statement is the ‘Exception Handler’.

The code stops acting at the problem point and jumps to the

try {
FileWriter f = new FileWriter(someFile);
} catch (Exception e) {
return “File not found”;
f.write(“Hello World”);

Though this looks fine, there’s a scope problem.


FileWriter f = null;

try {
f = new FileWriter(someFile);
} catch (Exception e) {
return “File not found”;
f.write(“Hello World”);

Note the separation of the variable label creation from the

object creation to avoid scoping issues.
Different problem objects

Exceptions are subclasses of a broader class Throwable.

Two main subclass branches…
Error objects are used in catastrophic system problems.
Exceptions are more frequent.
One of the most common subclasses of Exception is the

RuntimeExceptions can be left uncaught.

In this case they ‘propagate’ through the code.

The code stops at the problem point and jumps to where the
method was called, and the exception object gets passed to that
This continues until the main method is reached if it’s not handled.
The default handler then handles the problem.
Usually the program breaks and a ‘stack trace’ is printed. This lists all
the methods the problem has propagated through.
public class RubbishMaths {

Example public RubbishMaths() {

int answer = 12/0;

public class MathsExample {

public static void main (String args[]) {

RubbishMaths r = new RubbishMaths();

Nesting catches
Note that the relationship between subclasses and their
parent class means that we can nest catches…
try {
try {
// Operation
} catch (RuntimeException rte) {
// Do something with rte.

} catch (Exception e) {
// Do something with e if it’s not a RuntimeException.
Laddered catches

try {
// Operation
} catch (OurException oe) {
// Do something with oe
} catch (Exception e) {
// Do something with e if it’s not of type //
What to do with Exceptions
All exceptions except RuntimeExceptions, must be caught.

The usual thing in debugging is to print the error and the stack trace.
Can also write its name to a standard error log…
…but this is usually the screen anyhow.
In a real program we should do something about the error so the
user doesn’t get a message.

If there’s something you want to happen, even if there is an

error, you should put it in a ‘finally’ block under your ‘try’.
Finally blocks are always executed, even if written after

try {
// Operation.
} catch (Exception e) {
// Do something with e.
} finally {
// Do something important.
Making Exceptions

By saying that a method or an object must catch an

exception, we can force programmers using our objects to
prepare for problems.
We can use the keyword throws to do this.
If someone uses our object they must catch the thrown
object or throw it again.
Eventually something must deal with it, or the program
won’t compile.
Creating our own Exceptions

Subclass the class ‘Exception’ to make a new exception class, eg.

public class OurException extends Exception {

In our main class, declare that a method will be throwing an

object if everything goes wrong…

public void name () throws OurException {

At some point in the code, throw the exception…

throw new OurException();


Exceptions and Errors give us a chance to manage problems

without the user knowing.

The also allows us to force people who use our classes to deal
with problems we know may arise.

Exceptions can be caught and handled, or thrown out of the

method for someone else to deal with.

Exceptions propagate back through all the method calls and

objects inside one another until they reach a suitable handler.

try {
// whatever
} catch (ExceptionType label) {
// fix stuff
This lecture

The Java Packages

We’ve now seen most of the core language.

Some of this is actually in the package java.lang, for
example, the System and Math Classes. These you don’t
have to import - java.lang is always there for you.

The rest of Java is in packages that do specific stuff.

We’ll spend the rest of the course looking at packages you can
import*; Example
public class Write {

public Write() {

FileWriter f = null;

try {
f = new FileWriter (someFile);
} catch (IOException ioe) {

f.write(“Hello World”);
public static void main (String args[]) {
new Write();
Some of the main packages (file reading/writing)

java.awt and javax.swing (windows applications)
java.applet (web applications) (network communication)
java.util and java.lang (bits and pieces)

But, how do we know how to use these packages and classes?


We’ve seen that we should comment our code for

developers, using // comments.
But that relies on seeing our code.
Better to supply API (Application Programming Interface)
documentation that says what each class and method
One of the great things about Java is that comments can
(and should) be written so that they can be automatically
turned into documents about the programs.
You do this with the ‘javadoc’ program.
The Docs

Each class in the core language has a webpage

that lists its variables and methods, along with
examples of use.
The two comment types
Comments you don’t want to put in the documentation start // After
this you can’t write code on the same line, just comments E.g.,

// End of Class.

// This bit of code calculates horror

// on a rating of one to ten.

Comments you want in the documentation should be associated

with a block or object and be laid out thus…
* This is a class for working out
* how long we’ve been sat here.
The documentation

The documentation comes out as webpages.

This means that if you can write HTML you can format your
The ‘docs’ (as we pros like to call them) list
the methods, what you pass to them and get out of them,
any important variables,
other info.

They're available for all the core classes and interfaces:
Only thing you won’t recognise in the docs is the use of angle
brackets, thus:

Class Vector<E>
add(E e)
containsAll(Collection<?> c)
addAll(Collection<? extends E> c)

These mean the class stores java.lang.Object type objects, but can
be forced to be more specific to reduce potential casting errors.
These storage objects can be parameterized. i.e. they can be given a
specific type other than Object.
Vector<String> v = new Vector<String>();

You can also declare these in Method parameters…

void myMethod(Vector<String> v) {

You can build your own parameterizable types that take in Classes of
a particular type…

class ClassName<T extends OptionalClass> {

private Vector<T> items = new Vector<T>();
void add(T item) { items.add(item); }
T get(int index){ return items.get(index); }
Find your class or package, and click on the link.

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