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Efrida Warganegara
1. Hepatitis Virus A
2. Hepatitis Virus B
3. Hepatitis Virus C
4. Hepatitis Virus D
5. Hepatitis Virus E
6. Hepatitis Virus F
7. Hepatitis Virus G
8. T T Virus
 Hepatitis means inflammation and damage to the
liver, and can be caused by infection by various
organism, inclufing bacteria (leptospira sp.), viruses
(hepatitis A, B, dan C), or parasites (Schistosoma
 Viruses are the most common infectious causess of
hepatitis. at least 5 different viruses are referred to as
Hepatitis virus, and they generally cannot distinguish
 The disease may manifest as acute hepatitis (hepatitis A,
B, or E) or chronic hepatitis (hepatitis B or C).
 In hepatitis B or C infection, progressive liver damage,
liver failure, or even liver cancer may result.

Display marked tropism for liver cells

Use either :
“hit & run” infectious strategy
(Hepatitis virus A & E)
results in acute infection that is
cleared by the immune system
“hide & infiltrate” strategy
(Hepatitis virus B, C,
Delta, G)
lead to chronic infection
Cause similar symptoms during the acute
stage of infection that result of liver
Can be identified by testing for presence of
specific viral proteins, specific antibodies
against these proteins or viral nucleic acid
Can be treated with agents such as
interferon, however treatment for chronic
carriers of hepatitis B, C, D and G generally
Vaccine exist : A & B
Viral Hepatitis - Historical Perspectives
“Infectious” Enterically
/ Catarrhal A E transmitted

Viral hepatitis NANB

“Serum” B D C Parenterally

? other
Virus Hepatitis A Hepatitis B Hepatitis C Hepatitis D Hepatitis E
Family Picornaviridae Hepadnaviridae Flaviviridae None Caliciviridae
Genus Hepatovirus Orthohepadna eHep-c-virus Deltavirus
virus (Unnamed)
Virion Icosahedral Spherical, Spherical, Spherical, Icosahedral,
27 nm 42 nm 30-60 nm 35 nm 27-34 nm
Envelope No Yes (HBsAg) Yes Yes(HBsAg) No
Genome ssRNA dsDNA ssRNA ssRNA ssRNA
Size 7,8 kb 3,2 kb 9,4 kb 1,7 kb 7,5 kb
Stability Heat & acid Acid-sensitive Eter-sensitive Acid-sensitive Heat-stable
stable Acid-sensitive
Transmission Faecal-oral Parenteral Parenteral Parenteral Faecal-oral
Prevalence High High Moderate Low, Regional
Fulminant Rare Rare Rare Rare In
disease pregnancy
Chronic Never Often Often Often Never
Oncogenic No Yes Yes ? No
General symptoms of hepatitis virus infection
Acute inflammation chronic

Prodromal signs :
Gastrointestinal symptoms
Jaundice/ icteric
Hepatitis virus type A enteric
Hepatitis virus type E
Hepatitis virus type B
Hepatitis virus type C chronic
Hepatitis virus type D
Hepatitis virus type G hepatocellular-Ca
 The disease picture is a febrille illness of prolong
duration marked by jaundice, fatique and malaise,
abdominal pain, loss of appetite, anorexia and nausea,
 Chronic hepatitis can be associated with a rash, due
to immune complex-associated vasculitis, and with
 Common risk factor include eating contaminated
seafood (hepatitis A), multiple sexual partners
unprotected intercouse (hepatitis B), intravenous
drug use (hepatitis C), or blood transfusion.
Severity of the disease depend on :
* virus type
* individual
More than ½ cases asymptomatically

Chronic hepatitis symptoms exist

increasing enzyme levels
> 6 months
Chronic persistent chronic active hepatitis

Enzymes level cirrhosis

Normal hepatic failure
 Clinical diagnosis on the basis of jaundice must be
confirmed by 1) liver function test : level of serum
aminotransferase, bilirubin and alkaline phosphatase;
and 2) hepatitis serologis : virus-specific antigen and
antibody markers in serum.
 Dramatic elevation of serum aminotransferase (alanine
dan aspartat aminotransferas) are characteristic of
acute viral hepatitis
 Specific laboratory test for hepatitis A and B viruses
have been available for some years, originally referred
to as ‘nonA-nonB” viruses are now becoming available.
 More than half the liver must be damaged or destroyed
before liver function fails.
 Regeneration of liver cells is rapid but fibrous repair,
especially when infection persist can lead to cirrhosis
 Managemen is mostly symptomatic,
 Except in the cases of hepatitis A and B, there are no
licensed vaccine, and
 although specific treatments are available chronic stage of
hepatitis B and C (e.g. interferron), there are no specific
treatmens for this disease.
 Chronic hepatitis C is the most common cause of liver
failure and subsequent liver transplantation
Screening blood donor for
hepatitis viruses B, C
Immunization (active or
Treatment : Interferon
Antiviral drugs
• Discovered by Cockayne tahun 1912
• Cause infectious hepatitis, acute
•Formerly called : Infectious hepatitis
• A distinct member of the Picornaviridae family
(previously Enterovirus 72), a new genus :
• Only 1 serotype
• Ø 27 – 32 nm, spherical particle, cubic symetry
• Containing a linear ss-RNA genome with a size 7.5
kb, surround by capsid consist of 4 polypeptide
: VP1 – VP4, nonenveloped
• Introduction vaccine in 1995  significantly lowered the
incidence of the disease
Virus stability :
Virus is destroyed by :
 Autoclaving 121oC, 20 minutes
 Boiling in water for 5 minutes
 Oven (dry heat 1800C), for 1 hour
 UV irradiation, 1 minute at 1,1 watts
 Treatment with formalin 1 : 4000 for 3 days at
370C or chlorine 10 – 15 ppm, 30 minutes
 Stable to treatment with 20% ether, acid (pH 1.0
for 2 hours)
Infectivity can be preserved
at least 1 month after being dried, and stores at
25oC and 42 % relative humidity
or for years at – 200C
Sign and Symptoms
• The most likely mode of transmission : fecal-oral route
through close personal contact
• Acute infection, incubation period 2 – 6 weeks
• Hepatitis A : accute illness with no chronic form or carrier
 Older children and adults  develop jaundice, fever,
fatique, clay-color fices, and vomiting after incubation
period of about 1 month
 Most young children (< 6 years old) and many older
children (ages 6-14) are asymptomatic
 About one in five infected adult requires hospitalization
 Patient generally recover within 2 months, but some take
up to 6 months
 Following ingestion, the virus reaches the
liver by unknown route.
 The liver is the main site of replication
and the only tissue known to be damaged
by the infection
 The virus is released into the bile and
eliminated with the feces.
 Hep. A virus spread by fecal-oral route,
principally via fecal-contaminated hand,
food, or water
 Many outbreak have been traced to
restaurant where infected food-handler
failed to wash their hands
 Raw sellfish are also a frequent source of
infection because they concentrate the
virus from fecally polluted sea-water.
 Group at high risk of contracting the disease :
- children in day care centers
- resident in nursing homes
- international travelles, and
- individual having sexual contact with an
infected person
 Because incubation periode averages 30 days,
HAV can spread widely through a population
before being detected.
 Infected infant and children can shed the virus
in their feces for several months
Treatment and Prevention
 No antiviral treatment for HAV is available
 However, immune globulin can be given by injection
after exposure
 This passive immunization gives short-term
protection against the disease if administered within
2 weeks.
 An effective vaccine, 1995, recommended :
- all children 1 years of age
- several high-risk group  people travelling to area
of high incidence, or
- in occupations that put them at high risk of

• Virus particles have been detected by immune

electron microscopy in fecal extracts of
hepatitis A patients

• Virus appears early in the disease, and

disappears within 2 weeks following onset
of jaundice

• HAV can be detected in the liver, stool, bile, and

blood of naturally infected humans and
experimental infected nonhuman primates
by : PCR or Nucleic acid hybridization assay
Serology :
 IgM specific anti-HAV fraction appears
during the acute phase peaking about 2
weeks after elevation of liver enzyme
 Anti-HAV IgM usually decline to
undetectable levels within 3 – 6 months
 Anti-HAV IgG appears soon after the
onset of the disease and eventually
replace IgM
 IgG persist for decades
Methods for measuring Ab :

Discovered by Blumberg (1923)

Patients & aborigin
Australian Ag.
Cause serum hepatitis
Australian antigen HBsAg
Family Hepadnaviridae
Genus Orthohepadna virus
HBV Morphology
Structure & antigen complex
3 shapes in serum
. Dane particles : Ø 42 nm
. Spherical particles : Ø 22 nm
. Filament particles : Ø 22 nm
Hepatitis B virus particle

Virion 42 nm Nucleus Lysis nucleus

HBsAg / Dane virion 28 nm
virion (HBeAg)
particle HBcAg
Antigen structure :

1. HBsAg Anti-HBs

2. HBcAg Anti-HBc

3. HBeAg Anti-HBe
 Temperature – 20oC more than
20 years
 Dry, 25 C stay for 1 week

 Temperature 100oC, 1 minute

 pH 2,4 for 6 hours
 Sodium hypochlorite 5% for 3

Reenter cycle

Host DNA repair AAA Positive-

AAA strand
mRNA synthesis

Encapsidation Negative-strand
DNA synthesis
3.5 kb RNA

HBV replication cycle


- Parenteral

- Mucosal (per oral & sexual


- Vertically from mother to

Laboratory examination

Isolation : cell culture difficult

Diagnosis :
Serology (Ag – Ab)
Transaminase enzyme (LFT)
Histology (biopsy)
PCR (molecular)
Electron Microscopy (virus particle)
Leucopenia during pre jaundice phase
Results Interpretation
HBsAg (+) Hepatitis B infection active, acute/ chronic
Anti-HBs (+) Protection to reinfection (immunity)
HBsAg (-) (+) after > 16 weeks, persist for years
Anti-HBc (+) Might be HBV active infection
Anti-HBs (-) Should be confirm IgM anti-HBc,  3 months
Total anti-HBc persist 5-6 years
HBeAg (+) Infectious active hepatitis, acute / chroni
HBsAg (+) Potential infectious
Anti-HBe (+) Non infectious blood
Carrier state
Prevaccination screening hepatitis B
HBsAg (+) HBsAg (-) HBsAg (-) HBsAg (-) HBsAg (-)
Anti-HBs (-) Anti-HBs (-) Anti-HBs (+) Anti-HBs (+) Anti-HBs (-)
Anti-HBc (-/+) Anti-HBc (+) Anti-HBc (+/-) Anti-HBc (+/-) Anti-HBc (-)
Titer > 10 mU/ml Titer < 10 mU/ml

No Postpone No Booster Vaccination

Vaccination vaccination vaccination

LFT Check Measure titer Measure titer Measure titer

examination anti-HBs anti-HBs anti-HBs anti-HBs
3-6 months
Typhoid Fever

Oleh :

Prof. Dr. dr. Efrida Warganegara, M.Kes., Sp.MK

* Genus Salmonella bersifat :
- Bergerak, Non-fermentasi
laktosa, Batang Gram Negatif
* Kebanyakan spesies diidentifikasi
dgn produksi : asam, gas dan
H2S dari glukosa
* Parasit saluran pencernaan pada
manusia dan hewan
Genus Salmonella menyebabkan :
1. Typhoid fever / Enteric fever / Typhus
Abdominalis : adalah penyakit sistemik
dan berat yang disebabkan oleh S.typhi,
2. Gastroenteritis atau keracunan Makanan
disebabkan oleh : S.typhimurium,
3. Penyakit Septikaemia (extraintestinal)
d’sebabkan o/ bnyk spesies Salmonella
Sensitivity and survival
* M.o. dapat hidup dlm air dan makanan utk
waktu berminggu-minggu
* M.o. dibunuh oleh temperatur 600 C in 15 –
20 menit; desonfektas, dan khlorin
* Struktur antigenik : M.o. mempunyai
◦ Antigen somatik ( O )
◦ Antigen flagelar ( H )
◦ Antigen virulen ( Vi )
Faktor Pathogenisitas
* Memproduksi endotoxin (lipopolysaccharide);
yang menyebabkan demam, leukopeni,
hemorrhagi, hipotensi & shock
* Memproduksi eksotoksin atau enterotoksin
* Terutama menginfeksi man., masuk mel.
oral (mak. & min. terkontaminasi)
* Faktor tubuh yang menyebabkan resisten thdp
Salmonella : asam lambung, flora normal
usus, imunitas usus lokal
Sumber : Carrier dan Pend. Typhoid fever 
faeces  fluid; flies  people  food fingers
Penyakit Klinik :
1. Typhoid fever / Enteric fever / Typhus
abdominalis :
- terjadi mel. masuknya makanan dan air;
biasanya dikontaminasi dari carrier atau
pend. Typhoid fever
- selama periode inkubasi 7-10 hari m.o.
akan multiplikasi didalam usus kecil
1. Typhoid fever : (lanjutan)
- masuk kedlm pemb. limpe usus dan ke aliran
darah. Lalu dibawa ke berbagai organ
termasuk usus
- terjadi multiplikasi di jar. Limpe usus dan
dikeluarkan dlm feses
- Sesudah inkubasi 10-14 hr, timbul gejala
malaise, sakit kepala, demam naik turun,
constipasi, bradycardi & myalgia, rose spot
dpt terlihat pd kulit dada & perut, dalam
minggu ke-2 sp ke-3
1. Typhoid fever : (lanjutan)
- Khas penyakit ini terjadi 3-5 minggu
- komplikasi utama : perdarahan gastro-
intestinal & perforasi usus dengan
- Setelah penyembuhan, 3 % penderita
menjadi carrier, m.o. terdapat di
kandung empedu dan salurannya
- Angka kematian sekitar 10%
Spesimen dari :
- darah  (+) pd mgg ke-1
- urine  (+) pd mgg ke-2
- Sumsum tlg mgkn membantu
- feses  (+) pd mgg ke- 2 dan 3
- drainase deodenum  mengetahui
adanya m.o. dlm kandung empedu pada
Kultur :
- Pada medium diferensial  EMB, MacConckey,
deoxycholate agar (mengetahui nonfermentase
laktose). Bismuth sulfid medium (koloni hitam
ok produksi gas H2S)
- Pada selektif medium  SS agar, Hectoen
enteric agar, XLD, deoxycholate-citrat agar
- Pada enrichment medium  Selenit F,
tetrathionat broth  sesudah itu ditanam
pada medium diferensial dan selektif
- Baru diuji biokimiawi
Test serologis :
Utk identifikasi kultur yg tdk dik dgn serum
yg dik.
1. Test agglutinasi :
- Serum dik + kultur yg tdk dik 
clumping dlm bbp menit
2. Test Tube Dilution Agglutination (Widal )
- serum agglutinin timbul mgg ke-2 – 3
- paling tidak diperiksa serum 2 kali
interval 7-10 hari
Interpretasi Hasil :
1. Titer O tinggi atau meningkat
(≥ 1:160)  ada infeksi aktif
2. Titer H tinggi (≥ 1:160)  post
imunisasi atau post infeksi
3. Titer antibody tinggi thdp Vi Ag 
terjadi pd carrier
Clinical specimens :
bile culture  microscopic exam
24 – 48 hr  fermentation
test glucose
Mc Conkey  colony  Lactose
 motility test
 agglutination test
Serology : Widal
1/20 1/40 1/80 1/160 1/320
O + + - - -
H + - - - -
Vi + - - - -

O + + + + -
H + - - - -
Vi + - - - -
showing increasing titers of O ( 4x )
Kekebalan :
- Infeksi dgn S. typhi & S. paratyphi biasanya
memberikan derajad kekebalan tertentu
- Reinfeksi sering terjadi tapi dgn gejala lebih
ringan dari infeksi pertama
- Adanya antibodi terhadap O dan Vi dlm darah
berhubungan dgn derajad kekebalan thdp
infeksi & penyakit.
- Relaps mungkin dlm 2-3 mggsesudah
- Ab thdp IgA secretory mencegah penempelan
m.o. pada epitel usus
Pencegahan dan Pengobatan
Pencegahan :
melalui peningkatan higiene perorangan &
sanitasi; pengobatan carrier & vaksinasi
obat pilihan adalah chloramphenicol;
trimethoprim-sulfamethoxazole &
amoxycillin juga efektif terhadap
kebanyakan strain
Terima Kasih

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