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Phubbing is not defined in the real Spanish academy,
so it is not a real term of the Spanq ish language, but it
appeared in 2007. It can be defined as the act of an
individual or person to ignore their environment by
concentrating on mobile technology, whether it's a
smartphone, tablet, laptop, or other smart object

The term originated in Australia, etymologically

product of the union of the words phone (telephone)
and snubbing (despise).
The main causes of the phubbing phenomenon are
the addictive properties that new technologies have
on a psychological and indirectly physiological level.

This technological object, causing this lack of

attention in one or more stages of our environment
and focusing on the virtual.

• It generates unconsciousness, given

that "people who are victims of
phubbing do not express their
discomfort at the fact of being
ignored by their interlocutor, but they
do have a negative feeling of
abandonment when someone
ignores them for checking their cell
• Deteriorates personal relationships;
• Generates isolation and social
interaction problems.

• People need to relate. Especially in the early ages,

we have the need to develop our social
capabilities. That shapes us as people and forges
our personality. If a person prefers to interact with
another in a virtual way, that is, without physical
contact, they probably miss the opportunity to
develop many capacities. Recent studies affirm
that 90% of adolescents prefer to relate through the
smartphone than face each other

Currently there are several campaigns against

Phubbing in order to raise awareness in people and
get them to leave smartphones a little aside.
Although we can not change the world, you can
change your environment. Let's invite in the next
meeting to leave their cell phones aside and re-
encourage real conversations. Even if we are in a
family reunion, pass a basket so that each one
deposits their cell phone and they manage to have

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