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Fascism is an

ultranationalist ideology.
As such, it subscribes
to the idea of a supreme
race, whose members
should enjoy the natural
resources. It is by
nature exclusive as it
excludes nonmembers of
the race.
Fascists believe in a
unified national
community or strength
through unity. As
such, individual
identity is not as
important as that of
the social group or
The community or
social group
absorbs individual
Individual is
literally nothing.
The “new man” or a
hero who is motivated
by duty, honor, and
self-sacrifice; and
gives unrelenting
obedience to the
supreme leader is a
fascist ideal.
 Struggle, leadership,
power, heroism, and war
discard such values such
as rationalism, progress,
freedom and equality.
 In other words, fascism
may be described by
whar it opposes.
 It is anti-rational, anti-
liberal, anti-conservative,
anti-capitalist, and anti-
 Freedom is complete
submission, democracy is
dictatorship, progress
means constant struggle,
and creation means
 Adolf Hitler is an
Austrian who
established a one-party
dictatorship in Germany
 His world-view is
outlined in Mein
 Adolf Hitler attempts
to fuse expansionist
German nationalism
and virulent anti-
Semitism into a
theory in history where
there is an endless
battle between the
Germans and the
The Germans represents the forces of good.
On the other hand, the Jews stand for the
forces of evil. This ignited the 2nd World
War and causes the Holocaust
 Holocaust results to
massive persecution of the
Jews or Genocide
 This refers to irrational
hatred for the Jews and
 Aside from being
xenophobic, they commit
acts of violence against
people of other color
 He was an Italian politician,
journalist, and leader of the
National Fascist Party in
 He portrayed the Italian nation
as an organism having a
superior existence to those of
separate individuals which
composes it.

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