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Annisa Ayu Rahmawati

Nazza Rizky Ramdhagama
M (11 years old)

Chief complain: Patient presented with chief complain pain on his nose,
ear and head.

Additional complains: Patient said there’s active bleeding on his left

ear and head. The bleeding has been controlled by firm pressure with
sterile cotton pad and already hected, he didn’t has any difficulty
moving his neck, no fever, no diploplia, no blurry vision. He had nausea
and vomitus. There is an abrasion wound on his stomach.
History of Present Illness
Patient presented with chief complain pain on his nose, ear and head since 2 hour before entering
hospital. Patient claimed that he got injured when he was playing on the railroad tracks. Patient
didn’thas any difficulty moving his neck, no fever, no diploplia, no blurry vision. He had nausea and
vomitus. He had projectile vomits twice right after being hit by the train. There is an abrasion wound
on his stomach. Patient said there’s active bleeding on his left ear and head. The bleeding has been
controlled by firm pressure with sterile cotton pad and already hected in Suka Mulya Hospital. After
the bleeding has been controlled, the patient go to Koja General Hospital due to lack of instruments.
 Patient claimed that he got injured when he was playing on the
railroad tracks. He was hit and thud by the train.
 Loss of conciousness post trauma (-), nausea and vomitus (+)
 Past medical history: hypertension (-), dm (-), asthma (-),
congenital/acquired heart disease (-), past allergy history (-).

Airway: Airway obstruction (-).

Breathing: symmetrical chest rise with spontaneous
breathing, no use of the accessory muscles of respiration.
Circulation: regular heart rate with good pulse volume,
warm extremity, BP: 115/71mmHg, HR: 92x/menit, SpO2
Disability: GCS: E4M6V5 (15), CM
HEAD : Hected wound in occipital sinistra and frontal region

EYES : Pupil reactive 3mm ODS, isokor, anemic conjungtiva (-/-),

icteric sklera (-/-), edema palpebra (+/-).

NOSE : Hected wound (+)

EARS : Blood otorrhea (+)

MOUTH : Pink, Cyanosis (-)

NECK : Lymph nodes enlargement (-)

THROAT : T1/T1, No detritus, Pink

Thorax Abdomen
Inspection : symmetric chest expantion, effortless
respiration, retraction (-), no scar.
 Inspection: flat, masses (-),
abrasion wound on the right
Palpation: tenderness (-), normal vocal fremitus, masses
region (+)
Percusion: sonor throughout the pulmonary area  Auscultation: bowel sound
Auscultation: Vesiculer sound, Rh (-/-), Wh (-/-). Heart
sound I and II regular, Murmur (-), Gallop (-).  Palpation: tenderness (-),
defans muskular (-)
 Percution: tympanic
throughout the abdominal area
 Extremities: CRT <2, edema (-),
Localist Status
Look : Hecting wound in nose and head on occipital sinistra and
frontal region

Feel : tenderness to light palpation (+), crepitation (+)

Move: ROM (+)

Neurological Status
Glasgow Coma Scale : E4V5M6
Direct Light Reflex : +/+
Undirect Light Reflex : +/+

Motoric : 5I5

Sensoric: +I+

Intracranial Pressure
Nausea : (+)
Vomitus : (+) projectile
Headache : (+)
Seizure : (-)
Subdural Hematome and Basilar Skull Fracture

 TIG (250IU,IM)

 Ceftriaxone 1g inj

 Ketorolac inj 30mg.

Non pharmacology

 Change bandages

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