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Explanation of Extrinsic

elements in literature

 So, in general, the extrinsic element of literature was
about the things that can’t really be found inside the
story itself. It wasn’t the material but the facts and
information that supports and surrounds the story. It
could tell about the author; inspiration, life
experiences, etc., it could also tell about the world
situation; past, present or may be the future, and
many other supporting facts.

 Author’s life
 Historical Background
 Cultural Background
 Social Background
Author’s Life

 The part of author’s life also influence the settings
and plot of the story. The author’s situation or what
the author was experiencing now also affect the story
making. He/she would be able to describe the
storyline with details, because they had experienced
this kind of situation.
When making a literary work,
the author could reflects back to
his/her life.
This is the
authors life
Historical Background

 Historical background might be described by the
flow of the story. It could be shown by a timeline too.
The historical background can be the history or the
past of the setting the story was. It could also shows
the development or improvement of a certain thing
or condition. Describing the historical background
might also be used to send messages to make readers
realize the mistake and take action to fix the bad
Cultural Background

 The cultural background inside the story may also
connects to the author’s life. As for example, the
author’s cultures may be mixed into the story. It
might display the life or historical event in the
country or area that the author lived by. The cultural
background may also refer to the setting and plot of
the story. It depends on where the story takes scene.
Social Background

 The story depends on the social background of the
author. He/she would probably wrote something
that connects to the community around them. It
could also be the social problems that was
happening on the world or the social organization
inside a certain country. Social background can also
be used to describe a person’s biography and how it
affects their life nowadays.

 Characters
 Plot
 Setting (Novel/Prose/Poetry)
 Scene (Play/Drama)
 Moral Message
Explanation of Intrinsic
elements in literature

Intrinsic elements in literature usually we can find it
inside the story itself. We can analyze it easily because
all of the facts are inside the books. It could tell about
the character, plots, setting, moral messages, scenes, etc.

 Characters are important parts of stories. It helps to
send the message of the story through the behavior
and expression of the character.
 Types of Characters:
 protagonist
 antagonist
 main
 peripheral.
Characters in
the story
Types of Characters

 Antagonist: antagonist characters usually is a bad
character who oppose the protagonist characters. He /she
usually starts a conflict or fight.
 Protagonist is the opposite of antagonist. It is a nice
character who usually solves the fight. The character are
good people usually a hero.
 Main characters: the character always appear in most of
the story line. The author really make the main character
often being in the story.
 Peripheral: peripheral characters usually don’t appear
much in the story they are only used once or twice in a
story. Usually just to support the main character.

Scene is the part in a movie which people
arrange it. Example a scene in a movie
describes what happen in one place. So scene
is also connected to setting.

 The setting is a time and place
where the certain part of the story line
is happening. It includes all the details
like time and location.

 Plot :Is the arrangement of the story that build the story
Plot components
 Exposition: the beginning of the story that shows the
main character
 Rising Action: conflict is starting to show in the story
 Climax: the main character is having conflict
 Falling Action: the main character is getting more conflict
and almost at the end of the story
 Resolution: the end of the story and the solution to the

 Rahel, Cynthia. “Intrinsic Elements of Literary Work”. [online] available
literary-work/ February 5, 2014.
[online] available
pdf February 5, 2014
 Supriyanti, Miyem. “Given Extrinsic Elements of Literary”. [Online]
3/given-extrinsic-elements-of-literary.html. February 2014

 Safriyani, Rizka. “Extrinsic Elements”. [Online] (Available) – download

elements.ppt . February 2014

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