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-The first philosophers engaged in

Philosophy because of their curiosity and desire to understand

the world

• Philosophy as Speculation speculative thinking

• Speculation is derived from the Latin word “specula” which
means “watch tower”.
• Philosophy as critical thinking/analysis
• To criticize means to “judge” and |or to “analyze.
• Philosophy as reflective inquiry
• A kind of thought where the grounds for the belief is
deliberately sought and the adequacy to support the belief

• This module that talking about philosophical subject means

“using your senses and minds to be able to grasp the act of
philosophizing itself”.
Philosophy as
Speculation/Speculative Thinking
 Speculation allows you to expand your perspective to
by encouraging you to see the bigger picture by
participating in the word and using you experience as
source of ideas.
 Speculation is sometimes considered as “detached”
because it is an activity best done alone and in
isolation and helps you to explore and take in a variety
of perspectives about the human person through
personal contemplation while at the same time having
an experience of the world.
Philosophy as Critical
 As critical thinking or analysis, questions, judges, and
evaluates any and all principles and premises that may
be gained through speculation.
 Involves much more than simply present your own
opinions and the views of relevant philosophers on a
take-it-or-leave-it basis.
 One mode of critical analysis is “logical” where
philosophers problems are solved through a careful
analysis of the logical structure of the philosophers.
 Another mode of critical analysis is “Linguistic”, where
meanings of word are analyzed for their clarity and
consistency. “Linguistic analysis requires a clear
definition of words.
 HI
Philosophy as Reflective Inquiry
 Is a “meaning making” process where the learner
deliberately seeks the adequate grounds for his or her
beliefs through understanding the connections
between one experience and ideas with a progression
of gaining a deeper understanding.

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