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• is the property of a magnet to attract iron and other magnetic

• is a class of physical that are mediated by magnetic fields.
• it is also the property associated with an electric charge in motion.
• The polarity of a magnetic field that is generated by spinning is
determined by the direction of the spin.
• the number of electrons is determined by the direction of the spin.
• the number of electrons spinning in one direction apporximately
equals the number of those spinning in the opposite direction.
• the materials are magnetically neutral and do not exhibit external
• when the magnetic effects of a large number of electrons within the
atoms of a material are additive or added to each other the material
exhibits external magnetic characteristics.
• if the material is retained for a long period of time, the material
becomes a permanent magnet.
Two types of magnets: Natural and Artificial
• Natural magnets- are iron ores that have the property to attract
magnetic materials. These are found in materials in nature such as
magnetite or lodestone.
• Artificial magnets- are magnets made by man. They are either
permanent or temporary.
• Permanent magnets- can keep their magnetism for a long
period of time. They are usually made of hard steel to retain more
• Temporary magnets- can keep their magnetism only for a short
period of time. They are usually made of soft iron which can be easily
magnetized and demagnetized.
• Ferromagnetic materials- this type of materials become
strongly magnetized in the same direction as the magnetizing field.
Example of these materials are: cobakt nickel iron steel
• Paramagnetic materials- this type of materials, which include
aluminum, platinum, manganese and chromium, exhibit magnetism
to a very slight degree, bu not enough to be useful.
• Diamagnetic material- this type include bismuth, antimony,
copper, zinc, mercury, gold and silver. These materials are slightly
repelled by a magnet

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