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Crunch time

A critical momento or period

when decisive action is needed.

He performs well without

pressure, but he’s a mess at
crunch time
To get something out of your system
To get rid of a strong urge to do
something that you aren’t
bothered by wanting to do it

-Why did you kill him?

-Because I couldn’t deal with rage,
I had to get it out of my system.
Face the music
To accept something bad that

She doesn’t love you, you have to

face the music.
Beat around the bush
To avoid talking about a topic that
is unpleasant.

He didn’t tell me where the money

is, he beated around the bush.
Blessing in disguese
Something Good hidden in the
middle of something that looks

Losing that job was a blessing in

disguise, I became an
entrepreneur and now I have
more time to spend with my

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