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Vocabulary Vocabulary Collocation Structural Language Task Response

breadwinner sibling to reach your full potential they resemble each other Think about similarities
generation work-life balance and differences in:
dependent on they have a lot in common
responsibilities upbringing contemporary lifestyles there are many parallels family
role traditional family structure between x and y
to bring up v to grow
participate in social environment
up they correspond with each other food and eating habits
popular vs common generation gap in various ways
sedentary play a role they are the same in some ways transport
reliable succeed in (gerund)
they are alike in some ways
attitude to variety (wf) change is inevitable
society (wf) markedly/noticeably dating and marriage
adulthood Idiomatic language strikingly similar
relate (wf)
childhood employ (wf) bigger fish to fry clothes
neighbourhood a golden opportunity dissimilarities – they are
stress (wf)
earn to recharge your batteries dissimilar
active (wf) shopping
workplace to live a life of luxury distinctions – they are distinct
achieve(wf) from each other in many ways
experience to run in the family
single satisfaction (wf) a close-knit family they are unlike each other
blood is thicker than water there are also disparities
Phrasal Verbs spread your wings between them
look after school of thought
blue/white collar worker
living under one roof
Lifestyle /’laɪf,staɪl/

the way in which a person or group lives.

"the benefits of a healthy lifestyle“

synonyms: way of life, way of living, life

“Healthy lifestyles are essential for maintaining a healthy attitude to life.”

/ˈhɛlθi ˈlaɪfˌstaɪlz ər ɪˈsɛnʃəl fə meɪnˈteɪnɪŋ ə ˈhɛlθi ˈætɪtjuːd tə laɪf/

Part 1 speaking

• Part 1 last 4 to 5 minutes (no more, no less)

• You will be asked between 8 and 12 questions

• Your answers should be 20 – 30 seconds long

• Some answers will be longer than others

• The examiner has to keep to the script

easy (adj) achieved without much effort
difficult (adj) requiring a lot of effort to achieve

complicated (adj) consisting of many interconnecting parts

complex (adj) consisting of many interconnecting parts

complex sentence (n) a sentence containing a subordinate clause

I went to the shop. One that needs the other

I went to the shop because I wanted to buy some milk.

Because I wanted to buy some milk.

You will be asked:

About where you are living Do you work or are you a student?

How do we make the complex easy?

Q. Do you work or are you a student?
A. I’m a student.
Is this a good answer?
A. I’m a student at EIU which stands for
Eastern International University Part 1 is an opportunity to talk
about FAMILIAR things.

Present simple tense Part 1 tests your tenses.

AND gives you the chance to

use some easy complex
Relative clause
structure which is good for
(complex structure)
your grammar score.

Phrasal verb ‘stands for’ is


So we have used the correct tense, a

complex structure and idiomatic language.

But this sentence is not difficult.

Q. Do you work or are you a student?
A. I’m a student.
A. I’m a student at EIU which stands for
Eastern International University
Q. What are you studying? Subordinating
A. Business conjunction (complex
A. I’m currently studying English because I need it
in order to graduate but my major is in Business
Administration ‘it’ = referencing to
avoid repetition

Nice adverb

Conjunction showing
Present continuous tense contrast

‘in order to’ = prepositional phrase

introducing (another) subordinate
Q. Do you work or are you a student?
A. I’m a student.
A. I’m a student at EIU which stands for
Eastern International University
Q. What are you studying?
A. Business
A. I’m currently studying English because I need it
in order to graduate but my major is in Business
Q. Why did you choose that subject?

A. My Dad told me to. Past simple tense

A. I chose it because I wanted to follow in my
father’s footsteps and one day run the Subordinating conjunction
family business
Idiomatic language

Nice collocation ‘one day’ = at some time in

the future
Q. What will you do after you graduate?
Correct tense
A. Get a job.
A. I will go travelling with my friends Another grammar
before getting a job, however, if I structure
have the chance, I would like to do an
Linking language
internship overseas.
Conditional sentence

Good vocab

Part 1. (4-5 minutes)

All candidates must answer these:

Good morning/afternoon. My name is _____________.

Can you tell me your full name, please?

Thank you.

And what shall I call you?

Thank you.

Can I see your identification, please?

Thank you, that’s fine

First of all, I’d like to ask you some questions about yourself.
Part 1. (4-5 minutes)

All candidates must answer these:

Good morning/afternoon. My name is _____________.

Can you tell me your full name, please? My name’s ____________________.

Thank you.

And what shall I call you? Please, call me _______________.

Thank you.

Can I see your identification, please? Certainly, here you are.

Thank you, that’s fine Thank you

First of all, I’d like to ask you some questions about yourself.
Follow up questions in brackets and may be used if the candidate offers short
Choose ONE of the two frames:

For part 1, keep your answers short and to the point; just two or three sentences only.

Let’s talk about where you’re living now

Tell me about where you are living now

I’m living in _____ at the moment, which is about ____

kms from here. It’s a ___ place to live because ______.
The people are ________ and the environment is
Follow up questions in brackets and may be used if the candidate offers short
Choose ONE of the two frames:

For part 1, keep your answers short and to the point; just two or three sentences only.

Let’s talk about where you’re living now

Are the transport services near your home good?
They’re ______ because ________. For example, you
can(‘t) ____________. Although, I think they’d better if
there were more _______.
Follow up questions in brackets and may be used if the candidate offers short
Choose ONE of the two frames:

For part 1, keep your answers short and to the point; just two or three sentences only.

Let’s talk about where you’re living now

Do you think you will live in this place in the future?

“I’d love to stay here in the future because it’s such a

nice place to live, and all my friends are around here,
but I guess it will depend on where I find a job.”
Follow up questions in brackets and may be used if the candidate offers short
Choose ONE of the two frames:
For part 1, keep your answers short and to the point; just two or three sentences only.

Let’s talk about what you do. Do you work or are

you a student?

“I’m an undergraduate student at EIU, which

stands for the Eastern International University.”
Follow up questions in brackets and may be used if the candidate offers short
Choose ONE of the two frames:
For part 1, keep your answers short and to the point; just two or three sentences only.

Let’s talk about what you do. Do you work or are

you a student?
What are you studying?

“I’m studying _________, at the moment, but I’ll start

my major once I’ve got an IELTS band score 6.”
Follow up questions in brackets and may be used if the candidate offers short
Choose ONE of the two frames:
For part 1, keep your answers short and to the point; just two or three sentences only.

Let’s talk about what you do. Do you work or are

you a student?
Do you sometimes feel you have to study too hard?

“Sometimes, yes. For example, I have to be in class

most days, and then I also have lectures and
homework on top of that. All in all, it’s quite a heavy
workload to contend with.”
Follow up questions in brackets and may be used if the candidate offers short
Choose ONE of the two frames:
For part 1, keep your answers short and to the point; just two or three sentences only.

Let’s talk about what you do. Do you work or are

you a student?
What do you enjoy doing after a day at school?

“At the end of the day, I’m generally quite tired, so I

like to get home, take a shower, have something to
eat, and then put my feet up and chill out. Sometimes,
I’ll go out, but most of the time, I just like to relax at
For part 1, keep your answers short and to the point; just two or three sentences only.

I’d like to ask you about exercise…

 What do you do to stay healthy?
 “I try to eat well, sleep well and do a bit of exercise when I have
 Is it easy to keep fit where you live?
 “There’s a park for walking or running, a sports centre with a
gym, tennis courts and a swimming pool, so yes, it’s quite easy to
keep fit if you have the inclination to do so.”
 Do you think it is more important to eat healthily or do exercise?
 “As far as I’m concerned, they are both equally important. If you
eat the right food and do enough exercise, you should be able to
remain reasonably healthy.”
 Do you think you will do more or less exercise in the future?
 “It’s hard to say. I mean, I would certainly like to do more
exercise, but I guess it will depend on my work and family
For part 1, keep your answers short and to the point; just two or three sentences only.

Let’s move on to books…

 Do you like reading books?
• “Not really, no. I prefer watching TV or films in my free time. I
tend to fall asleep whenever I start reading a book.”
 Do you think people read enough books?
 “Probably not. I mean, we should all read more books to broaden
our horizons, but I think most people are a bit lazy.”
 Have you ever read a book more than once?
 “No, definitely not. Like I said before, I’m really not a bookworm.”
 Have you ever read an e-book on a tablet or an iPad?
 “No, never. I really don’t enjoy reading books in whatever format
they come in – although, I might try downloading an audio book
one day.”
Now let’s talk about things you take with you when you go out…
 What kind of things do you take with you when you go out?
That depends on where I’m going when I go out. For example, if I’m
popping out to the shops, I’ll just take my phone and some cash,
whereas if I’m going out for the whole day I’ll take a backpack full of
stuff; phone, cards, money, a drink, etc, etc.
 Do you take the same things with you when you go out in the evening
compared to when you go out during the day?
Pretty much, yes. I generally need the same sort of things whether I’m
out in the daytime or evening.
 Did you ever forget to take something important with you when you
went out?
Yes, my house keys. When I got home, I couldn’t get back in the house.
 What can you do to make sure you don’t forget something?
I’ve got a terrible memory, so I tend to write a note on my wrist to help
me to remember important stuff.
For part 1, keep your answers short and to the point; just two or three sentences only.

I’d like to talk about friends…

 Do you prefer to have one best friend or a lot of friends?
 Personally, I prefer to have one close friend rather than lots of
friends. I think it’s important to have someone who knows me well.
 How much time do you spend with your friends?
 I like to spend as much time as possible with them, although these
days I don’t see them as much as I would like to due to my studies.
 What do you do together?
 We generally just hang out in a local coffee shop, sometimes at the
weekend we’ll go into Ho Chi Minh City and hang out there.
 Do you think you will make new friends in the future? (Why?)
 I hope so. I mean, I’ll probably move elsewhere in the future, so I
guess I’ll need to make new friends wherever I end up living.
For part 1, keep your answers short and to the point; just two or three sentences only.

I’m going to ask you about housework …(washing up, cleaning)

 What kind of jobs do you do around the home?
 I do lots of household chores like cooking, cleaning, ironing,
organising things around the house, tidying up – those sort of things.
 Any there any household chores you dislike?
 To be honest, I don’t like doing any of them, but they have to be
done. The thing that I like the least is ironing; it’s so boring.
 Did you help around the house as a child?
 Yes, I used to have to sweep the yard and clean my dad’s shoes for
him, but I used to earn pocket money for doing it.
 Do you think it’s important for children to help around the home?
 Absolutely, it’s important for children to learn to work as part of a
team, and to learn the value of money.
For part 1, keep your answers short and to the point; just two or three sentences only.

Now let’s talk about neighbours…

 Do you know your neighbours well?
I don’t really know them well – well enough to say hello to them, but we
pretty much keep ourselves to ourselves. They seem nice enough.
 Do you think people know their neighbours better in the country
than in the city?
Definitely, people who live in the countryside are generally friendlier
than city dwellers. I guess people who live in cities are more transient
and they have busier lives, so they have less time to chat.
 Have you ever done something for a neighbour?
Yes, I used to look after my neighbour’s dog when he went away on
holiday, which was nice because I really like dogs.
 Do you think you will know your neighbours more or less in the
I guess that will depend on where I live and who my neighbours are.
For part 1, keep your answers short and to the point; just two or three sentences only.

Let’s move on to talk about holidays…

 Do you enjoy taking a holiday from school?
 Yes, of course. It’s always nice to have a bit of downtime when I can
catch up with my friends and family.
 Do you think people have enough holidays?
 No, I think that most people need to have more holidays. People have
to work extremely hard these days and they need more breaks.
 How much time do you need to have a good holiday?
 It always takes me a few days before I really start to relax, so I would
say that I need at least a week to really get a good rest.
 What is the best holiday you’ve ever had?
 My favourite holiday ever was when I went to ______. It was fantastic
For part 1, keep your answers short and to the point; just two or three sentences only.

I’d like to ask you about what you do every day…

 What time do you usually get up in the morning?
 Well, it depends on what I’m doing on a particular day, but I’m
normally up at around 6ish.
 How has your routine changed since you were a child?
 Oh, it’s changed completely. When I was a child, I had to go to school
between 8 a.m and 5 p.m. Nowadays, my schedule is much less
regular because I have classes and lectures at different times.
 Is there anything you would like to change about your routine?
 Yes, I’d like to be able to stay in bed longer and have a lot more free-
time. Although, that probably won’t happen until I retire.
 How do you think your routine will change in the future?
 I expect, once I start working, get married and have a family, my
routine will become a lot busier than it is at the moment.
Part 2
Now, I’m going to give you a topic and I’d like you to talk about it for one to two minutes.

Before you talk, you will have one minute to think about what you are going to say and
make some notes if you wish.

Do you understand?
Describe a place you go to relax. You should say:
WHAT type of place is it? NAME – What’s the place called?
Where it is
How far? Whereabouts? Location?

Why you go there

Atmosphere? Staff? Décor? Music? Food? Furniture? People?

What you do when you go there

If alone? If with friends/family? If with boyfriend/girlfriend? On special occasions?

…and explain why it is a good place for relaxing.

How do you feel when you go there?

*Now tell a story about the first time that you went to this place.
Describe a place you go to relax. You should say:

Where it is
Why you go there
What you do when you go there

…and explain why it is a good place for relaxing.

Well, the first place that sprang to mind when I saw this question is ________. It’s in
_______, which is quite close to ________. I go there to _________. While I’m there, I tend
to just ____________ and ____________. It’s a great place to chill out because it’s got
_______________. It also has ____________. There are lots of _______________ and
there’s never any ____________. That’s why I love going there when I need some downtime.

I remember the first time I went there. I was with _______________ and we came across it
completely by accident. We were really surprised because we’d never heard of it before.
We’ve been talking about a place you go to relax, and I’d like to ask you one or two more
general questions related to this. Let’s consider first of all ……………………………………………….

1. Relaxing places
(list) Can you tell me the types of places that people go to when they want to relax?

(compare) What are the differences between the places that young and old people go to when
they want to relax?

(assess) How important is it for people to have places to go to for relaxation?

2. Relaxing and health

(agree/disagree) Would you agree that relaxation can be advantageous to both mental and
physical health?

(list) What are the effects of working long hours and having busy lifestyles on health?

(suggest) How can people avoid the negative effects of modern lifestyles?
Describe a café you like to go to. You should say:
WHAT type of place is it? NAME – What’s the place called?
Where it is
How far? Whereabouts? Location?

Why you go there

Atmosphere? Staff? Décor? Music? Food? Furniture? People?

What you do when you go there

If alone? If with friends/family? If with boyfriend/girlfriend? On special occasions?

…and explain why it is a good place for relaxing.

How do you feel when you go there?

*Now tell a story about the first time that you went to this place.
Describe a café you like to go to. You should say:

Where it is
Why you go there
What you do when you go there

…and explain why it is a good place for relaxing.

Well, the first café that sprang to mind when I saw this question is ________. It’s in _______,
which is quite close to ________. I go there to _________. While I’m there, I tend to just
____________ and ____________. It’s a great place to chill out because it’s got
_______________. It also has ____________. There are lots of _______________ and
there’s never any ____________. That’s why I love going there when I need some downtime.

I remember the first time I went there. I was with _______________ and we came across it
completely by accident. We were really surprised because we’d never heard of it before.
We’ve been talking about a café you like to go to, and I’d like to ask you one or two more
general questions related to this. Let’s consider first of all ……………………………………………….

1. Cafes and restaurants

(list) What kinds of people go to cafes?

(assess) Do you think cafes are good places for people to meet new friends?

(evaluate) Apart from food and drinks, what else makes a café a popular place to go?

2. Cafes and modern life

(discuss) In what ways have cafes changed since the advent of the Internet?

(assess) Have global café chains, like Starbucks, brought more advantages than disadvantages to

(evaluate) In which ways do you think café culture will change in the future?
Describe something which causes you stress. You should say:

When you get stressed

Why this thing causes you stress,
How you feel when you are stressed

…and explain what you do to deal with the problem

Describe something which causes you stress. You should say:

When you get stressed –

Which types of situation cause you stress?
Which of these situations causes you the most stress?
How often do you feel stressed by this?

Why this thing causes you stress

Why is it important enough to cause you stress?

How you feel when you are stressed

What are the symptoms of stress?
What are the knock-on effects of this stress?
How does this affect your studies?
How does this affect your relationships with others?

…and explain what you do to deal with the problem

Now, tell a little story.
Describe something which causes you stress. You should say:

When you get stressed

Why this thing causes you stress,
How you feel when you are stressed

…and explain what you do to deal with the problem

Well, the first thing that sprang to mind when I saw this question is ________, which always
causes me stress whenever I do it. This causes me a great deal of anxiety because
______________. For example, ________________________. When I feel stressed about
____________, I find it very difficult to get off to sleep because I’m always thinking about it,
so I tend to feel really tired. This has the knock on effect of making me really grumpy and
irritable. I also suffer from terrible headaches, which means that I find it very difficult to
concentrate on my coursework at university.

When I first started ___________ , I quickly started to feel stressed. A good friend of mine
advised me to _______________, so I started doing it every-time I started to feel anxious.
Firstly, I ____________________. Secondly, I _________________. And finally, I __________.

Nowadays, whenever I feel worried about __________, I just _____________. This has really
helped me to cope with my feelings of anxiety.
We’ve been talking about something which causes you stress, and I’d like to ask you one
or two more general questions related to this. Let’s consider first of all

1. Stress and contemporary life

(list) Can you tell me some of the causes of stress in contemporary life?

(evaluate) Do you think life is more stressful than it was five decades ago?

(Discuss) What are the effects of a stressful lifestyle?

2. Stress and studies

(agree/disagree) Many people say that young people suffer from too much stress at school.
Would you agree with this?

(evaluate) How can the education system reduce pressure on students?

(agree/disagree) Many people believe that technology has led to increased stress on students.
Would you agree with this?
Describe a film you have enjoyed. You should say:
Name of film? What type of film is it? Where and when is the film set? How old is the film?
Who are the actors in the film? Who has the starring role?

What it was about – (Give a general overview of the film)

How does the film start?
When does the action start?
What is the result of the action?
What is the effect of the action?
What happens in the end?
When and who you saw it with
How long ago did you see the film?
Where did you see it?
Who did you go to see it with? Why?
What special features it had
Were there lot’s of special effects?
Was the music good? Why?
Were there lots of action scenes?

…and explain what you especially liked about it (Say what was memorable about the film and
why you will never forget it)
Describe a film you have enjoyed. You should say:

What it was about

When and who you saw it with
What special features it had

…and explain what you especially liked about it

Well, the first film that sprang to mind when I saw this question is ______. It’s a ______ film
which was set in _______ in the _____s. It was made in _____, so it’s about ____years old.
It’s got ______, ______ and ______ in it, and ______ has the starring role. The film’s about
______. It starts off with _____. Then, _____________. As a result, ___________. This has
the effect of ________. In the end, _________.

I saw the film _______ ago with my friend _____ at _____ which is in ________. There
weren’t any special effects, but the music was fantastic. The action scenes were _______; I
felt like I was in the middle of the action which made it really exciting to watch.

I’ll never forget this film because (now tell a story) __________________________________
We’ve been talking about a film you have enjoyed, and I’d like to ask you one or two more
general questions related to this. Let’s consider first of all ……………………………………………….

1. Films
(list) Which types of films are popular in Vietnam?

(assess) Do young and old people tend to enjoy the same types of films?

(give reasons) Why do you think some people enjoy watching old black and white films?

2. Film industry
(evaluate) How important is the film industry to Vietnam’s economy?

(assess) What is the role of the film industry in portraying cultural identity?

(agree/disagree) Many people think that the film industry does not give an accurate
portrayal of history. To what extent do you agree?
Describe a book you have read that you would like to read again. You should say:

Who the book was written by

When it was written
What the title of the book is
What it was about
When and where the book is set
Who the main character is
What happens in the beginning
What happens in the story
What happens in the end
When you read it for the first time
How long ago you read the book
How it made you feel
Why you enjoyed the book
Where you got the book
How you got the book
…and explain why you would like to read it again
Would you like to read it for someone else; a cousin, niece or nephew perhaps?
Describe a book you have read that you would like to read again. You should say:

What it was about

When you read it for the first time
Where you got the book
…and explain why you would like to read it again

Well, the first book that sprang to mind when I saw this question is a book by ____author____,
which was written in __year_ and entitled __title____. The book is set in ___country___ in the
___decade__. The main character in the book is __name__. At the start of the story __name_
is _____ing ________. This leads to him _______ing _________ where he meets ______ and
this leads on to a great adventure. In the end he ____________. It really is a wonderful story.

I first read this book _____ years ago, when I was about ____years old. It was a great book to
read because it made me feel interested in things that I had never thought about at that time.
I really enjoyed reading it because it gave me a sense of freedom and inspired me to learn
more about the world and different types of people and places.

The book was given to me by my grandfather, and I will always be grateful to him for giving it
to me because it opened up a whole new world for me.
I’d really like to read it again to my little niece because I think that she would really enjoy
listening to the story and I hope that she will enjoy it just as much as I did when I read it.
We’ve been talking about a happy couple that you know, and I’d like to ask
you one or two more general questions related to that.

1. Wedding ceremonies and marriages

(List) the wedding customs and traditions in your country

(Discuss) what you consider to be important to ensure a happy marriage.

(Speculate) how wedding ceremonies may change in the future.

2. Changes trends in marriages

(discuss) how marriage patterns are changing in your country

(Give reasons) for the rising divorce rates around the world.

(Agree/Disagree) marriage will no longer be necessary in the future.

Describe a happy couple that you know. You should say:

Who they are

How you know them
What kind of personality they have

…and explain why you think they are happy

Describe a happy couple that you know. You should say:

Who they are

What their names are
Where they live
How old they are
What they do
How you know them
Their relationship to you (friends, relatives, neighbours, a famous couple from TV, films, etc)
How long you have known them
When you first met them
What kind of personality they have
What he is like (use adjectives to describe him) Why?
What she is like (use adjectives to describe her) Why?
…and explain why you think they are happy

Tell a story that you know about the couple

Describe a happy couple that you know. You should say:

Who they are

How you know them
What kind of personality they have

…and explain why you think they are happy

Well, the first couple that sprang to mind when I saw this question is ____ and _____. They
live in _______; they’re about ____ years old and they work as _____. They are my ____ and
I’ve known them for around ______ years now. I first met them when I was ______ ing _____.
______, that’s the husband, is very _______. For example, he’s always ____ing and his wife,
______ is ______. For instance she’s always ______ ing.

I think that they’re a very happy couple because they always seem to be happy whenever I
see them together. I remember they told me a story about when they
We’ve been talking about two people from the same family that you know very well,
and I’d like to ask you one or two more general questions related to that.

1. Family life
(Discuss) why many people say family is more important than friends.

(Assess) how family life has changed in your country over the past few decades.

(Speculate) how family life might change in the future.

2. Family responsibilities
(discuss) how responsibilities within the family have changed in recent times

(Evaluate) the roles of family and the government when it comes to caring for the

(compare) the roles of family and teachers with regard to educating children.
Describe two people from the same family that you know very well. You should say:

Who they are

How you know them
What kind of personality they have

…and describe their relationship

Describe two people from the same family that you know very well. You should say:

Who they are

What their names are
Where they live
How old they are
What they do
How you know them
Their relationship to you (friends, relatives, neighbours, a famous couple from TV, films, etc)
How long you have known them
When you first met them
What kind of personality they have
What he is like (use adjectives to describe him) Why?
What she is like (use adjectives to describe her) Why?
…and describe their relationship
Tell a story that you know about these people
Describe two people from the same family that you know very well. You should say:

Who they are

How you know them
What kind of personality they have

…and describe their relationship

Well, the first people that sprang to mind when I saw this question is ____ and _____. They
live in _______; they’re about ____ years old and they are _____. They are my ____ and I’ve
known them for around ______ years now. I first met them when I was ______ ing _____.
______ is very _______. For example, _____ is always ____ing and ______ is ______. For
instance she’s always ______ ing.

I think that they have a very good relationship because they always seem to be happy
whenever I see them together. I remember they told me a story about when they
We’ve been talking about two people from the same family that you know
very well, and I’d like to ask you one or two more general questions related to

1. Family life
(Discuss) why many people say family is more important than friends.

(Assess) how family life has changed in your country over the past few

(Speculate) how family life might change in the future.

2. Family responsibilities
(discuss) how responsibilities within the family have changed in recent times

(Evaluate) the roles of family and the government when it comes to caring for
the elderly.

(compare) the roles of family and teachers with regard to educating children.
Describe a time when you were proud of someone in your family. You should say:

Who you were proud of

When it was
What they did to make you proud

…and say why you were proud of them

Well, the first person that sprang to mind when I saw this question is
We’ve been talking about a time when you were proud of someone in your family,
and I’d like to ask you one or two more general questions related to that.

1. Achievement and young people

(List) the different occasions on which parents can be proud of their children.

(Discuss) the ways in which teachers can show recognition for pupils’ achievements
at school.

(Assess) the importance of recognising when children reach their goals

2. Adult achievement
(List) the different situations in which adults can be proud of something they have

(Assess) how employers can recognise achievement in the workplace.

(Discuss) the benefits of a competitive working environment.

Part 3(Thematic)

dʊ jʊ θɪŋk ðə z ə ˈdɪfrəns bɪˈtwiːn trəˈdɪʃənl ˈfæmɪli

ˈlaɪfˌstaɪlz ənd mɔː kənˈtɛmpərəri ˈfæmɪli ˈlɪvɪŋ?

dʊ jʊ θɪŋk ðə z ə ˈdɪfrəns bɪˈtwiːn trəˈdɪʃənl ˈfæmɪli

ˈlaɪfˌstaɪlz ənd mɔː kənˈtɛmpərəri ˈfæmɪli ˈlɪvɪŋ?
Do you think there is a difference between traditional family
lifestyles and more contemporary family living?

Do you think there is a difference between traditional family

lifestyles and more contemporary family living?

Do you think there is a difference between traditional family

lifestyles and more contemporary family living?

The examiner
wants your

Do you think there is a difference between traditional family

lifestyles and more contemporary family living?

The examiner
The examiner wants
wants your
you to make a

Do you think there is a difference between traditional family

lifestyles and more contemporary family living?

The examiner
The examiner wants
wants your
you to make a

What are the differences, if any, between the way that families lived in the past and the
way that families live today?

Do you think there is a difference between traditional family

lifestyles and more contemporary family living?

The examiner
The examiner wants
wants your
you to make a

What are the differences, if any, between the way that families lived in the past and the
way that families live today?

In the past Today


Do you think there is a difference between traditional family

lifestyles and more contemporary family living?

Start off by answering the question directly; yes or no.


Do you think there is a difference between traditional family

lifestyles and more contemporary family living?

Yes, absolutely.

Do you think there is a difference between traditional family

lifestyles and more contemporary family living?

Yes, absolutely. Okay, how different were they?


Do you think there is a difference between traditional family

lifestyles and more contemporary family living?

Yes, absolutely. The lifestyles of past traditional

families were significantly different.

Do you think there is a difference between traditional family

lifestyles and more contemporary family living?

Yes, absolutely. The lifestyles of past traditional

families were significantly different. In what way
were they different?

Do you think there is a difference between traditional family

lifestyles and more contemporary family living?

Yes, absolutely. The lifestyles of past traditional

families were significantly different. These family
groups spent more time together.

Do you think there is a difference between traditional family

lifestyles and more contemporary family living?

Yes, absolutely. The lifestyles of past traditional

families were significantly different. These family
groups spent more time together. Could you give
me an example of this?

Do you think there is a difference between traditional family

lifestyles and more contemporary family living?

Yes, absolutely. The lifestyles of past traditional

families were significantly different. These family
groups spent more time together. Perhaps the best
example of this is the family meal.

Do you think there is a difference between traditional family

lifestyles and more contemporary family living?

Yes, absolutely. The lifestyles of past traditional

families were significantly different. These family
groups spent more time together. Perhaps the best
example of this is the family meal. Okay, so how has
time affected the traditional family meal?

Do you think there is a difference between traditional family

lifestyles and more contemporary family living?

Yes, absolutely. The lifestyles of past traditional

families were significantly different. These family
groups spent more time together. Perhaps the best
example of this is the family meal. Today
contemporary families do not have enough time to
enjoy a meal with other family members,

Do you think there is a difference between traditional family

lifestyles and more contemporary family living?

Yes, absolutely. The lifestyles of past traditional

families were significantly different. These family
groups spent more time together. Perhaps the best
example of this is the family meal. Today
contemporary families do not have enough time to
enjoy a meal with other family members, Good
point, but what about in the past?

Do you think there is a difference between traditional family

lifestyles and more contemporary family living?

Yes, absolutely. The lifestyles of past traditional

families were significantly different. These family
groups spent more time together. Perhaps the best
example of this is the family meal. Today
contemporary families do not have enough time to
enjoy a meal with other family members, however,
in the past, it was common for the extended family
to eat together.

dʊ jʊ θɪŋk ðə z ə ˈdɪfrəns bɪˈtwiːn trəˈdɪʃənl ˈfæmɪli

ˈlaɪfˌstaɪlz ənd mɔː kənˈtɛmpərəri ˈfæmɪli ˈlɪvɪŋ?

jɛs, ˈæbsəluːtli. ðə ˈlaɪfˌstaɪlz əv pɑːst trəˈdɪʃənl

ˈfæmɪliz wə sɪgˈnɪfɪkəntli ˈdɪfrənt. ðiːz ˈfæmɪli gruːp
spɛnt mɔː taɪmtəˈgɛðə. pəˈhæps ðə bɛst ɪgˈzɑːmpl
əv ðɪs ɪz ðə ˈfæmɪli miːl. təˈdeɪ kənˈtɛmpərəri
ˈfæmɪliz dʊ nɒt həv ɪˈnʌf taɪm tʊ ɪnˈʤɔɪ ə miːl wɪð
ˈʌðə ˈfæmɪli ˈmɛmbəz, haʊˈɛvə, ɪn ðə pɑːst, ɪt wəz ˈ
kɒmən fə ði ɪksˈtɛndɪd ˈfæmɪli tʊ iːt təˈgɛðə.
Do you think there is a difference between traditional family
lifestyles and more contemporary family living?
ɪn jər əˈpɪnjən ə frɛndz mɔːr ɪmˈpɔːtənt ðən ˈfæmɪli ɔː z blʌd ˈθɪkə ðən ˈwɔːtə?
ɪn jər əˈpɪnjən ə frɛndz mɔːr ɪmˈpɔːtənt ðən ˈfæmɪli ɔː z blʌd ˈθɪkə ðən ˈwɔːtə?
In your opinion are friends more important than family or is blood thicker than
ɪn jər əˈpɪnjən ə frɛndz mɔːr ɪmˈpɔːtənt ðən ˈfæmɪli ɔː z blʌd ˈθɪkə ðən ˈwɔːtə?
In your opinion are friends more important than family or is blood thicker than

The examiner The examiner wants

wants your you to make a
opinion comparison
ɪn jər əˈpɪnjən ə frɛndz mɔːr ɪmˈpɔːtənt ðən ˈfæmɪli ɔː z blʌd ˈθɪkə ðən ˈwɔːtə?
In your opinion are friends more important than family or is blood thicker than

The examiner The examiner wants Blood is thicker than water is a

wants your you to make a famous English proverb that
opinion comparison means family relationships are
always deeper and longer-lasting
than any other relationships.
ɪn jər əˈpɪnjən ə frɛndz mɔːr ɪmˈpɔːtənt ðən ˈfæmɪli ɔː z blʌd ˈθɪkə ðən ˈwɔːtə?
In your opinion are friends more important than family or is blood thicker than

The examiner The examiner wants Blood is thicker than water is a

wants your you to make a famous English proverb that
opinion comparison means family relationships are
always deeper and longer-lasting
than any other relationships.

What are the differences between relationships between family members and friends?
ɪn jər əˈpɪnjən ə frɛndz mɔːr ɪmˈpɔːtənt ðən ˈfæmɪli ɔː z blʌd ˈθɪkə ðən ˈwɔːtə?
In your opinion are friends more important than family or is blood thicker than

The examiner The examiner wants Blood is thicker than water is a

wants your you to make a famous English proverb that
opinion comparison means family relationships are
always deeper and longer-lasting
than any other relationships.

What are the differences between relationships between family members and friends?

Family members Friends


In your opinion are friends more important than family or is blood thicker than water?

In your opinion are friends more important than family or is blood thicker than water?

That’s a difficult question to answer.


In your opinion are friends more important than family or is blood thicker than water?

That’s a difficult question to answer.

Yes, it is, isn’t it? Do you need some time to think
about it?

In your opinion are friends more important than family or is blood thicker than water?

That’s a difficult question to answer. Let me think.


In your opinion are friends more important than family or is blood thicker than water?

That’s a difficult question to answer. Let me think.

Okay, but don’t take too long!

In your opinion are friends more important than family or is blood thicker than water?

That’s a difficult question to answer. Let me think. It

is true that some friends could be considered the
same as blood relatives because some friendships
involve strong connections.

In your opinion are friends more important than family or is blood thicker than water?

That’s a difficult question to answer. Let me think. It

is true that some friends could be considered the
same as blood relatives because some friendships
involve strong connections.
Okay, good comparison. Can you develop this more?

In your opinion are friends more important than family or is blood thicker than water?

That’s a difficult question to answer. Let me think. It

is true that some friends could be considered the
same as blood relatives because some friendships
involve strong connections. It is also true that
relationships with some family members may not be
friendly at all.
What do you mean by that?

In your opinion are friends more important than family or is blood thicker than water?

That’s a difficult question to answer. Let me think. It

is true that some friends could be considered the
same as blood relatives because some friendships
involve strong connections. It is also true that
relationships with some family members may not be
friendly at all. I mean, you can choose your friends,
but you can’t choose your family.
Chunking in Pronunciation / = pause 00:37

In your opinion |are friends | more important than family | or is blood | thicker than water?

That’s a difficult question to answer|| Let me

think|| It is true |that some friends | could be
considered | the same as blood relatives | because
some friendships | involve strong connections || It
is also true |that relationships with some family
members | may not be friendly at all || I mean | you
can choose your friends | but you can’t choose your
family ||

ɪn jər əˈpɪnjən |ə frɛndz| mɔːr ɪmˈpɔːtənt |ðən ˈfæ

mɪli |ɔː iz blʌd |ˈθɪkə ðən ˈwɔːtə||

ðæts ə ˈdɪfɪkəlt ˈkwɛsʧən tʊ ˈɑːnsə || lɛt mi θɪŋk||

ɪtiz truː |ðət səm frɛndz
|kəd bi kənˈsɪdəd |ðə seɪm əz blʌd ˈrɛlətɪvz |bɪˈkəz
səmˈfrɛndʃɪps | ɪnˈvɒlv strɒŋ kəˈnɛkʃənz ||
ɪt s ˈɔːlsəʊ truː |ðət rɪˈleɪʃənʃɪps wɪð səm ˈfæmɪli
ˈmɛmbəz | meɪ nɒt bi ˈfrɛndli ət ɔːl||
In your opinion are friends more important
than family or is blood thicker than water?
dʊ jʊ θɪŋk ˈlaɪfˌstaɪlz ə bɪˈkʌmɪŋ mɔː ˈsɛdntəri? waɪ z ðɪs ˈhæpnɪŋ?
dʊ jʊ θɪŋk ˈlaɪfˌstaɪlz ə bɪˈkʌmɪŋ mɔː ˈsɛdntəri? waɪ z ðɪs ˈhæpnɪŋ?

Do you think lifestyles are becoming more sedentary?

Why is this happening?

dʊ jʊ θɪŋk ˈlaɪfˌstaɪlz ə bɪˈkʌmɪŋ mɔː ˈsɛdntəri? waɪ z ðɪs ˈhæpnɪŋ?

Do you think lifestyles are becoming more sedentary?

The examiner
wants your

Why is this happening?

dʊ jʊ θɪŋk ˈlaɪfˌstaɪlz ə bɪˈkʌmɪŋ mɔː ˈsɛdntəri? waɪ z ðɪs ˈhæpnɪŋ?

Do you think lifestyles are becoming more sedentary?

The examiner The examiner wants

wants your you to make a
opinion comparison with the

Why is this happening?

dʊ jʊ θɪŋk ˈlaɪfˌstaɪlz ə bɪˈkʌmɪŋ mɔː ˈsɛdntəri? waɪ z ðɪs ˈhæpnɪŋ?

Do you think lifestyles are becoming more sedentary?

The examiner The examiner wants

wants your you to make a
opinion comparison with the
a way of life which is
characterized by much sitting
and little physical exercise.
Why is this happening?
dʊ jʊ θɪŋk ˈlaɪfˌstaɪlz ə bɪˈkʌmɪŋ mɔː ˈsɛdntəri? waɪ z ðɪs ˈhæpnɪŋ?

Do you think lifestyles are becoming more sedentary?

The examiner The examiner wants

wants your you to make a
opinion comparison with the
(of work or a way of life)
characterized by much sitting
and little physical exercise.
Why is this happening?
The examiner wants you to speculate
on the cause of the problem and
mention the effects.
dʊ jʊ θɪŋk ˈlaɪfˌstaɪlz ə bɪˈkʌmɪŋ mɔː ˈsɛdntəri? waɪ z ðɪs ˈhæpnɪŋ?

Do you think lifestyles are becoming more sedentary?

Yes, or no?

Why is this happening?

Causes Effects
Do you think lifestyles are becoming more sedentary?
Why is this happening? 1:02

Yes, I do believe that people’s lifestyles are

becoming increasingly sedentary.
Do you think lifestyles are becoming more sedentary?
Why is this happening? 1:02

Yes, I do believe that people’s lifestyles are

becoming increasingly sedentary.
Good start! Could you give an example, please?
Do you think lifestyles are becoming more sedentary?
Why is this happening? 1:02

Yes, I do believe that people’s lifestyles are

becoming increasingly sedentary. For example,
when I was a child, we had more active lifestyles.
Do you think lifestyles are becoming more sedentary?
Why is this happening? 1:02

Yes, I do believe that people’s lifestyles are

becoming increasingly sedentary. For example,
when I was a child, we had more active lifestyles.
Okay! Why was your lifestyle more active back then?
Do you think lifestyles are becoming more sedentary?
Why is this happening? 1:02

Yes, I do believe that people’s lifestyles are

becoming increasingly sedentary. For example,
when I was a child, we had more active lifestyles.
After school, we played a variety of sports or
enjoyed adventures in our neighborhood.
Do you think lifestyles are becoming more sedentary?
Why is this happening? 1:02

Yes, I do believe that people’s lifestyles are

becoming increasingly sedentary. For example,
when I was a child, we had more active lifestyles.
After school, we played a variety of sports or
enjoyed adventures in our neighborhood.
I see. So, what do kids do after school these days?
Do you think lifestyles are becoming more sedentary?
Why is this happening? 1:02

Yes, I do believe that people’s lifestyles are

becoming increasingly sedentary. For example,
when I was a child, we had more active lifestyles.
After school, we played a variety of sports or
enjoyed adventures in our neighborhood. These
days, the only adventure young people seem to
enjoy is a computer game.
Do you think lifestyles are becoming more sedentary?
Why is this happening? 1:02

Yes, I do believe that people’s lifestyles are

becoming increasingly sedentary. For example,
when I was a child, we had more active lifestyles.
After school, we played a variety of sports or
enjoyed adventures in our neighborhood. These
days, the only adventure young people seem to
enjoy is a computer game.
What are the results of this development?
Do you think lifestyles are becoming more sedentary?
Why is this happening? 1:02

Yes, I do believe that people’s lifestyles are

becoming increasingly sedentary. For example,
when I was a child, we had more active lifestyles.
After school, we played a variety of sports or
enjoyed adventures in our neighborhood. These
days, the only adventure young people seem to
enjoy is a computer game. Consequently, lifestyles
are becoming more sedentary.
Do you think lifestyles are becoming more sedentary?
Why is this happening? 1:02

Yes, I do believe that people’s lifestyles are

becoming increasingly sedentary. For example,
when I was a child, we had more active lifestyles.
After school, we played a variety of sports or
enjoyed adventures in our neighborhood. These
days, the only adventure young people seem to
enjoy is a computer game. Consequently, lifestyles
are becoming more sedentary.
Good response. Now let’s take a look at sentence stress.
Do you think lifestyles are becoming more sedentary?
Why is this happening? 1:03

Yes, I do believe that people’s lifestyles are becoming

increasingly sedentary. For example, when I was a
child, we had more active lifestyles. After school, we
played a variety of sports or enjoyed adventures in
our neighborhood. These days, the only adventure
young people seem to enjoy is a computer game.
Consequently, lifestyles are becoming more
dʊ jʊ θɪŋk ˈlaɪfˌstaɪlz ə bɪˈkʌmɪŋ mɔː ˈsɛdntəri? waɪ z ðɪs ˈhæpnɪŋ?

jɛs, aɪ dʊ bɪˈliːv ðət ˈpiːplz ˈlaɪfˌstaɪlz ə

bɪˈkʌmɪŋ ɪnˈkriːsɪŋli ˈsɛdntəri. fər ɪgˈzɑːmpl
, wɛn aɪ wəz ə ʧaɪld, wi həd mɔːr ˈæktɪvˈlaɪ
fˌstaɪlz. ˈɑːftə skuːl, wi pleɪd ə vəˈraɪəti əv
spɔːts ɔːr ɪnˈʤɔɪd ədˈvɛnʧəz ɪn ˈaʊə
ˈneɪbəhʊd. ðiːz deɪz, ði ˈəʊnli ədˈvɛnʧə jʌŋ
ˈpiːpl siːm tʊ ɪnˈʤɔɪ z ə kəmˈpjuːtə geɪm.
ˈkɒnsɪkwəntli, ˈlaɪfˌstaɪlz ə bɪˈkʌmɪŋ mɔː
Do you think lifestyles are becoming more sedentary?
Why is this happening?
In your opinion, is it better for young people to be independent from their families? Why?

1. What does the examiner want you to do?

2. What does ‘independent from’ mean?
In your opinion, is it better for young people to be independent from their families? Why?

The examiner The examiner wants you

wants you to to give a reason for your
make a answer

not dependent on other people.

“She wanted to be independent from her family"
synonyms: self-sufficient, self-supporting, self-reliant, standing on one's own two
"her grown-up, independent children"
Advantages of being Reasons Disadvantages of Reasons
independent being independent
In your opinion, is it better for young people to be independent from their families? Why?

In your opinion, is it better for young people to be independent from their families? Why?

Ok, good start!
When do you think youngsters should young
people become self-sufficient?
In your opinion, is it better for young people to be independent from their families? Why?

Yes. I think that young people should learn to be

independent as soon as they can.
In your opinion, is it better for young people to be independent from their families? Why?

Yes. I think that young people should learn to be

independent as soon as they can.
So, when should they leave home and find
somewhere else to live?
In your opinion, is it better for young people to be independent from their families? Why?

Yes. I think that young people should learn to be

independent as soon as they can. To do this, young
people can spread their wings and find alternative
accommodation when they begin university or their
first jobs.
What does this mean?
In your opinion, is it better for young people to be independent from their families? Why?

Yes. I think that young people should learn to be

independent as soon as they can. To do this, young
people can spread their wings and find alternative
accommodation when they begin university or their
first jobs.
What does becoming more independent enable
them to do?
In your opinion, is it better for young people to be independent from their families? Why?

Yes. I think that young people should learn to be

independent as soon as they can. To do this, young
people can spread their wings and find alternative
accommodation when they begin university or their
first jobs. It is important to remember that
becoming more independent enables young people
to reach their full potential.
In your opinion, is it better for young people to be independent from their families? Why?

Yes. I think that young people should learn to be

independent as soon as they can. To do this, young
people can spread their wings and find alternative
accommodation when they begin university or their
first jobs. It is important to remember that
becoming more independent enables young people
to reach their full potential.
To reach their full potential? What does that mean?
In your opinion, is it better for young people to be
independent from their families? Why?
Are indoor or outdoor activities more popular in Vietnam? Why?

What does the examiner want you to do?

Compare the popularity of indoor activities with outdoor activities in Vietnam and give a
reason for the difference in popularity?

Outdoor How popular in VN? What is the reason for this?


Indoor How popular in VN? What is the reason for this?

Are indoor or outdoor activities more popular in Vietnam? Why?

I think for most Vietnamese people, the amount of

outdoor activity depends on the time of day.
Are indoor or outdoor activities more popular in Vietnam? Why?

I think for most Vietnamese people, the amount of

outdoor activity depends on the time of day.
Why is the amount of outdoor activity dependent on
the time of day?
Are indoor or outdoor activities more popular in Vietnam? Why?

I think for most Vietnamese people, the amount of

outdoor activity depends on the time of day. In the
middle of the day, most people prefer to stay
indoors because it is much hotter than at other
Are indoor or outdoor activities more popular in Vietnam? Why?

I think for most Vietnamese people, the amount of

outdoor activity depends on the time of day. In the
middle of the day, most people prefer to stay
indoors because it is much hotter than at other
I see. So, when do people do outdoor activities in
Are indoor or outdoor activities more popular in Vietnam? Why?

I think for most Vietnamese people, the amount of

outdoor activity depends on the time of day. In the
middle of the day, most people prefer to stay
indoors because it is much hotter than at other
times. Therefore, most people take their exercise in
the early morning and evening when it is cooler.
Are indoor or outdoor activities more popular in Vietnam? Why?

I think for most Vietnamese people, the amount of

outdoor activity depends on the time of day. In the
middle of the day, most people prefer to stay
indoors because it is much hotter than at other
times. Therefore, most people take their exercise in
the early morning and evening when it is cooler.
Ok, but you haven’t answered my question.
Let’s start again, shall we?
Are outdoor or indoor activities more popular, and
Make a comparison between the leisure activities
people in Vietnam do nowadays compared to the
past. How have they changed?

Okay, this is the type of question that Vietnamese students find the most difficult to
answer, so pay attention here.

What do you think the examiner will want you to do?

Make a comparison between the leisure activities people in Vietnam do nowadays compared
to the past. How have they changed?

The examiner wants you to compare the types of activities of that people did in the
past and the type of activities people do today, and the differences between them.

Past activities Contemporary activities What are the differences?

Make a comparison between the leisure activities people in Vietnam do nowadays compared
to the past. How have they changed?

In the past, life was more difficult in Vietnam due to

issues such as war and famine.
Make a comparison between the leisure activities people in Vietnam do nowadays compared
to the past. How have they changed?

In the past, life was more difficult in Vietnam due to

issues such as war and famine.
Yes, okay, but what about leisure activities?
Make a comparison between the leisure activities people in Vietnam do nowadays compared
to the past. How have they changed?

In the past, life was more difficult in Vietnam due to

issues such as war and famine. As a result, there was
less emphasis on leisure activities because there
were more important things for families to worry
about such as food, shelter and safety.
Make a comparison between the leisure activities people in Vietnam do nowadays compared
to the past. How have they changed?

In the past, life was more difficult in Vietnam due to

issues such as war and famine. As a result, there was
less emphasis on leisure activities because there
were more important things for families to worry
about such as food, shelter and safety.
Yes, that’s very interesting, but I think you should get
to the point now. What leisure activities did people
do in the past?
Make a comparison between the leisure activities people in Vietnam do nowadays compared
to the past. How have they changed?

In the past, life was more difficult in Vietnam due to

issues such as war and famine. As a result, there was
less emphasis on leisure activities because there
were more important things for families to worry
about such as food, shelter and safety. In contrast,
nowadays Vietnam does not suffer from these
problems anymore, so people are able to enjoy a
much wider variety of leisure activities and hobbies
in their free time.
Make a comparison between the leisure activities people in Vietnam do nowadays compared
to the past. How have they changed?

In the past, life was more difficult in Vietnam due to

issues such as war and famine. As a result, there was
less emphasis on leisure activities because there
were more important things for families to worry
about such as food, shelter and safety. In contrast,
nowadays Vietnam does not suffer from these
problems anymore, so people are able to enjoy a
much wider variety of leisure activities and hobbies
in their free time.
All right! I’m sure my students can think of a much
better response than this.
Make a comparison between the leisure activities people in Vietnam do nowadays compared
to the past. How have they changed?

In the past, people did leisure activities which were

more/less ____. This is because they didn’t have
__________For example, they tended to do things
like ____, _____ and ______. In contrast, nowadays
people do activities which are more _______. For
instance, _____, ______ and ______. Consequently,
leisure activities have become more/less

You have the comparative language plus a present perfect structure.

Have a go at filling in the blanks yourself and then, answer the question.

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