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The genetic code is written in

the language of nucleic acids. It

is passed from one cell to
another, from one generation to
the next when chromosomes are
distributed from the parent cell
to the daughter cells .
• The mRNA is a single strand of linearly
arranged nucleotides. The nucleotides are
read in threes.
•Each triplet code make up of a particular
sequence of nitrogenous bases is called
• Each amino acid that will form the protein
molecule to be synthesized is determined
by the triplet code or codon on the mRNA.
Given are short leading
strands of DNA for
replication. Replicate the
DNA by writing the
complementary base
Transcribe the following
DNA strands into mRNA by
writing their
complementary base
Determine the anticodons
in tRNA and the
corresponding amino
acids based on the given
mRNA molecules.

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