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What is Art

In the first column in the table below, list down your most striking encounters with
arts. On the second column explain why you think each encounter is an experience of

My Encounters with Arts Why?

What is Art?
• The word “art” comes from the ancient Latin,
ars which means “ craft or specialized form of
skill” Collingwood, 1938
• Art then suggested the capacity to produce an
intended result from carefully planned steps
or method.
Assumptions of ART
Art is universal
The first assumption is that art has been crafted by all people
regardless of origin, time, place and that it stayed because it is
liked and enjoyed people continuously. A great piece of work will
never be obsolete.
Art will always be present because human beings will always
express themselves and delight in these expressions. Men will
continue to use art while art persists and never gets depleted.
Assumptions of ART
Art is not nature

One of the characteristic of art is that it is not nature. Art is

man’s expression of his reception of nature. Art is man’s way of
interpreting nature. Art is not nature. Art is made by man,
whereas nature is given around us.
Assumptions of ART
• Art involves experience

Art is just experience. By experience, we mean “the actual doing of

something” (Dudley et al., 1960). When one says that he has an
experience of something, he often means that he knows what that
something is about.
Art is always an experience, art is known by experiencing. According to
Dudley et al., (1960) art depends on experience, and one is to know
art, he must know it not fact or information but as experience.

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