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• the theoretical base that enables technology • becomes the practical applications of science.

to take flight. • There is a "real world" application element

• Science is defined as "the that defines technology which is not as
reasoned investigation or study of present in the scientific reasoning process.
phenomena, aimed at discovering enduring • Technology is a form of "applied science."
principles among elements of the It is viewed as “the practical applications of
phenomenal world by employing science.”
formal techniques such as the scientific
method." This investigatory and theoretical
aspect that is highlighted in "enduring
principle" discovery and "formal techniques
such as the scientific method”
Technology has become an integral part of twenty first century. The quality of
human life has improved with new technology inventions in day to day life.

Today technology has pierced in every aspect of our lives : from entertainment
to communications, travel and tourism to nuclear weapons. Modern televisions,
electronic game consoles, latest movie theatres have given a whole new dimension
to entertainment industry. Emails, text messages have made daily contact with
society so easy and feasible. Travel and tourism industry is flourishing in this
technological era. Jet planes ,automatic cars have made travel around the globe
super fast. Health care has improved drastically because of cutting edge
technology today.
Modern day technology also has created several negative effects in human lives.
Many people see technology as a force that has escaped from human control. They
believe technology has made life very complicated. People fail to enjoy simple
pleasures of life like watching a sunrise, hearing birds chirping or smelling fragrant
spring flowers. They have become so hooked to latest technology that living a simple
life is almost unimaginable today. Hand written letters have become a thing of past,
walking and biking is now replaced with running on electronic treadmills in an indoor
exercise gym.
But in spite of these downsides of technology and inventions, our lives have
become better. We can’t even imagine the life without a car or any other public
transportations, airplane or phone and Internet, etc. without their support, we
couldn’t be who we are today. We are more efficient and productive in day to
day lives and technology is revolutionary way of improving quality of our lives. It
is part of a larger spectrum of human activity, technological determinism sees
technology as the basis for all human activity.
Technology is the application of science. In fact, throughout history science has paved the
way for all kinds of amazing advances in our society.

During the agricultural revolution, the way humans lived changed forever. From being hunter
gatherers who roamed the land, we started to settle down in one place. Why? Because we
gained the scientific know-how necessary to grow crops. Suddenly, we didn't need to be on the
move all the time. We could create more than enough food to feed our families where we were.
Soon our shelters stopped being rudimentary and easy to take apart and became permanent
structures and buildings. Thus, as farming technology improved, building technology improved as
well; and as we became able to create an excess of food, fewer people had to spend time
actually producing food, and we gained the extra time needed to expand our knowledge even
more quickly.
Yung Handouts to follow na lang!!!!

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