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FOOD STAPLES _ Free PowerPoint Templates, Diagrams and Charts

Do you like all the food? Which one don’t you like? Why?
Are you a vegetarian? Why/not?
How important is food in your life?

Choose one answer:

a) Really important;
b) Very important;
c) Quite important;
d) Not very important.
Is there any food you hate?
Have you tried …?

Tick your partner’s answers.

a) Indian food;
b)Thai food;
c) Japanese food;
d)Chinese food;
e) Italian food;
f) Arabic food.

Which did you like best and why? What other

kinds of foreign food have you tried?
How often do you cook?

What’s your specialty?

Are you careful about what you eat or drink?

Is there anything you try not to eat or drink too often?

Do you think your diet is healthy? Why/not?
Food for thought
Write an example of food or dish for each category
1. I’d have this for a midnight snack.
2. I’d eat this for my first meal after returning from a year abroad.
3. It’s really delicious, but isn’t very good for your health.
4. I’d like to eat this on a picnic.
5. My parents made me eat this when I was a child.
6. I loved this when I was a child, but wouldn’t eat it now.
7. It smells really good.
8. It’s really a bit too spicy for me.
9. It smells disgusting but tastes delicious.
10. It tastes disgusting.
11. This is my favorite dish.
12. The first thing I ever cooked.
13. It’s good to eat in the summer when it’s hot outside.
14. It’s good to eat in the winter when it’s cold outside.
15. It takes ages to make, but is well worth the wait.

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