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•Go along the street - seguir ao longo da rua

•Walk/Go up the stre - subir a rua

•Walk /Go down the street - descer a rua
•Turn left - virar à esquerda
•Turn right - virar à direita
•Until you reach/get - até chegares a…
•Take the first street on your right-
virar na primeira rua à direita
•Take the second street on your left -
virar na segunda rua à esquerda
•Go through the park - ir através do parque
•Go straight ahead /on - seguir em frente
•On the right - à direita
•On the left - à esquerda
•Traffic lights - semáforos
•Roundabout - rotunda
•Zebra crossing - passadeira
Asking for directions

which way is the bank?

Excuse me where’s the bank, please?
can you tell the way to the
bank, please?
how can I get to the bank?

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