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Diarrhea is defecation with a soft or liquid

consistency, even it can be in the form of water
with frequency more than usual (three times or
more) in one day. Diarrhea can be caused by
infection, this process can be initiated by the
presence of microorganisms that enter the digestive
tract which then develops in the intestine and
damage intestinal mucosal cells. Diarrhea can occur
due to abnormalities in the small intestine,
resulting in decreased absorption or increased
Constipation is a defecation frequency that is less
than normal. Generally in one week, humans
defecate at least more than 3 times. If the
frequency of defecation is less than 3 times a week,
then someone is called experiencing constipation.
As a result, the feces become dry and hard making
it more difficult to remove from the anus.
Constipation can be caused by consuming less fiber
or not drinking enough, rarely exercising, intestinal
obstruction, colon cancer, and rectal cancer,
nervous disorders, hormonal disorders, mental
disorders, and side effects of drug consumption.
Gastritis is a disease of the stomach that occurs due
to inflammation of the stomach wall. To protect the
gastric mucosa from damage caused by stomach
acid, the stomach wall is covered with thick mucus.
If the mucus is damaged, the stomach wall is prone
to inflammation. Some things that can cause
damage to protective mucus are: Bacterial
infections, Increasing age, Excessive consumption of
alcoholic beverages, Too often taking pain relievers,
and Autoimmune.

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