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But even if you are recycling the

right way there are certain

materials that need to be further
separated. For example, glass can
keep its colours regardless of the
times it has been recycled, which
means that each glass colour has to
be sorted accordingly.
Three Main Steps in the recycling Process
Gathering and sorting waste
materials is essential. Many people
throw their waste randomly, so it is
mainly in the waste collecting
companies where the different
materials are sorted correctly.
Manufacturing – After step one is
completed, it is time to move to the
manufacturing process. As you can
guess here waste is given a new and, in
most cases – a different usage.
2. Manufacturing – After step
one is completed, it is time to
move to the manufacturing
process. As you can guess here
waste is given a new and, in
most cases – a different usage.
3. Back to the market(Purchasing) – Once
our recycled product have been turned
into something else, they can be sold back
to us. Buying a recycled item could give
you the sense that you are helping the
environment and might even save your
money in the long run.And when the
product you,ve bough has served its
purpose,it can go to the recycling bin, and
the infinite loop csn begin once again.
1. It saves energy –
When using recycled
materials in the
manufacturing process
this requires less
2. Preserving raw
Materials – Thus
no natural
habitats get
3. Reducing air
and water
3. Reducing
helps protect

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