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With Your
Social Sacred Secular Composers Technology Potpourri

100 100 100 100 100 100

200 200 200 200 200 200

300 300 300 300 300 300

400 400 400 400 400 400

500 500 500 500 500 500

Social classes in the Middle
Ages consisted of church
folks, nobles, and these.

A 100
What are peasants?

A 100
These people were wandering
performers of secular music
and were generally not
considered to be of a
respected class.

A 200
Who were minstrels?

A 200
This class of people in the
Medieval/Renaissance time
periods had the highest
economic status.

A 300
Who were the nobles?

A 300
This social institution offered
relief from the misery of the
Middle Ages.

A 400
What is the Catholic church?

A 400
“Ashes, ashes, we ALL fall
down” was an indication that
every social class was
impacted by this Medieval

A 500
What is the Black (or
Bubonic) Plague?

A 500
When a parallel 4th is added
to a plainchant it becomes

B 100
What is organum?

B 100
Plainchant is often referred to
by the name of this pope who
organized the chant of the
church in the Middle Ages.

B 200
Who is Pope Gregory I?

B 200
This is the term for music
composed for religious
purposes, primarily the

B 300
What is sacred?

B 300
These were not considered
proper for the performance of
sacred music in the Middle

B 400
What are instruments?

B 400
The ordinary of the Latin
mass used the same text for
every service. This portion of
the mass would change for
special occasions and
B 500
What is the proper?

B 500
This style of polyphonic
secular music was a poetic
and musical form which
originated in the 14th century.

C 100
What is a madrigal?

C 100
This term describes music
that was composed and
performed for non-religious

C 200
What is secular?

C 200
Many secular songs by
minstrels and troubadours
were accompanied by this

C 300
What is a lute?

C 300
Place A Wager
C 400
These are some instruments
that would have been used for
battles and/or ceremonies.

C 400
What are trumpet, drum,
sackbut, shawm?
(other answers may be
considered acceptable)

C 400
Secular music was often
about this subject.

C 500
What is love?

C 500
This female composer lived
during the Middle Ages.

D 100
Who is Hildegard von

D 100
This musician developed the
idea of singing with solfege
based on syllables and
positions on the hand.

D 200
Who is Guido d’Arezzo?

(Guidonian Hand)

D 200
This man composed primarily
for lute during the

D 300
Who is John Dowland?

D 300
This Flemish composer
primarily wrote sacred music.

D 400
Who is Josquin des Prez

D 400
This Italian Renaissance
composer is known for his
100s of sacred works.

D 500
What is Giovanni Pierluigi da

D 500
This technological
development greatly
increased the availability and
decreased the price of sheet

E 100
What is the printing press?

E 100
Due to the expense of printed
music in the Middle Ages,
music was primarily
communicated by this

E 200
What is oral transmission (or

E 200
These square-shaped notes
are the earliest form of
printed music.

E 300
What are neumes?

E 300
This method of writing notes
based on a diagram of the
instrument’s fretboard is used
for modern guitars and was
invented for the lute in the
E 400
What is tablature?

E 400
During the Middle Ages this
collection of chants would
have been copied by hand
with quill and ink.

E 500
What is the Liber Usualis?

E 500
Two or more independent
melodies sounding

F 100
What is polyphonic?

F 100
This is the mode you would
hear if you played the white
keys on a piano from E to E.

F 200
What is Phrygian?

F 200
Catholic worship for monks
and nuns consisted of the
mass and this type of service
that happened throughout the
day and was based on the
F 300
What are canonical hours (or
simply “hours”)?

F 300
This is the name for a
collection of instruments,
often from the same family.

F 400
What is a consort?

F 400
This name of this instrument
literally means “push-pull.”

F 500
What is Sackbut?

F 500
The Final Jeopardy Category is:
Music Technology
Please record your wager.

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This string instrument consisted
of a box with a wheel, a hand
crank to turn the wheel, and keys
to shorten or lengthen the strings.

Click on screen to continue

What is a Hurdy-Gurdy?

Click on screen to continue

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Game Designed By C. Harr-MAIT

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