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Digital Signal Processing : Introduction


Ms. T. Samanta
Department of Information Technology

BEIT, 6th Semester

 “Getting Started with MATLAB”
- Rudra Pratap
 “Digital Signal Processing ”
- Sanjit K. Mitra.
 “Digital Signal Processing-A Practitioner’s
- Kaluri V. Rangarao
- Ranjan K. Mallik

BEIT, 6th Semester

 MATLAB -> MATrix LABoratory
 Built-in Functions
-External Interface
-Optional Toolbox for Signal Processing,
System analysis, Image Processing

BEIT, 6th Semester

How many windows?

BEIT, 6th Semester

MATLAB Windows
 Command window: main window
characterized by ‘>>’ command prompt.

 Edit window: where programs are written

and saved as ‘M-files’.

 Graphics window: shows figures,

alternately known as Figure window.

BEIT, 6th Semester

Edit Window

Command Window

Figure Window

BEIT, 6th Semester

Matlab Basics

BEIT, 6th Semester

MATLAB Basics: Variables
 Variables:
-Variables are assigned numerical values
by typing the expression directly

>> a = 1+2 press enter

>> a =

>> a = 1+2; suppresses the output

BEIT, 6th Semester

 several predefined variables
i sqrt(-1)
j sqrt(-1)
pi 3.1416...

 >> y= 2*(1+4*j)
>> y=
2.0000 + 8.0000i

BEIT, 6th Semester

 Global Variables
 Local Variables

BEIT, 6th Semester

MATLAB Basics:
 Arithmetic operators:

+ addition,
- subtraction,
* multiplication,
^ power operator,
' transpose

BEIT, 6th Semester

 Matrices : Basic building block

 Elements are entered row-wise

>> v = [1 3 5 7] creates a 1x4 vector
>> M = [1 2 4; 3 6 8] creates a 2x3
>> M(i,j) => accesses the element of ith
row and jth column

BEIT, 6th Semester

Basics Matrices
 Special Matrices

null matrix: M = [];

nxm matrix of zeros: M = zeros(n,m);
nxm matrix of ones: M = ones(n,m);
nxn identity matrix: M = eye(n);

--Try these Matrices

[eye(2);zeros(2)],[eye(2);zeros(3)], [eye(2),ones(2,3)]
BEIT, 6th Semester
Matrix Operations
 Matrix operations:
A+B is valid if A and B are of same size
A*B is valid if A’s number of columns equals
B’s number of rows.
A/B is valid and equals A.B-l for same size
square matrices A & B.

 Element by element operations:

.* , ./ , .^ etc
--a = [1 2 3], b = [2 2 4],
=>do a.*b and a*b
BEIT, 6th Semester

BEIT, 6th Semester

Few methods to create vector
 LINSPACE(x1, x2): generates a row vector of 100
linearly equally spaced points between x1 and x2.

 LINSPACE(x1, x2, N): generates N points

between x1 and x2.

 LOGSPACE(d1, d2): generates a row vector of 50

logarithmically equally spaced points between
decades 10^d1 and 10^d2.

 a = 0:2:10 generates a row vector of 6 equally

spaced points between
BEIT, 6th0 and 10.
Waveform representation

BEIT, 6th Semester

2D Plotting
 plot: creates linear continuous plots of
vectors and matrices;
 plot(t,y): plots the vector t on the x-axis
versus vector y on the y-axis.
 To label your axes and give the plot a
title, type
xlabel('time (sec)')
ylabel('step response')
title('My Plot')
 Change scaling of the axes by using the
axis command after the plotting
command:axis([xmin xmax ymin ymax]);
BEIT, 6th Semester
2D Plotting
 stem(k,y): for discrete-time signals this
command is used.

 To plot more than one graph on the

subplot(m,n,p): breaks the Figure window
into an m-by-n matrix of small axes,
selects the p-th sub-window for the
current plot

 grid : shows the underlying grid of axes

BEIT, 6th Semester
Example: Draw sine wave
 t=-2*pi:0.1:2*pi;
 y=1.5*sin(t);
 plot(t,y);
 xlabel('------> time')
 ylabel('------> sin(t)')

BEIT, 6th Semester

Matlab Plot

BEIT, 6th Semester

Example: Discrete time signal
 t=-2*pi:0.5:2*pi;
 y=1.5*sin(t);
 stem(t,y);
 xlabel('------> time')
 ylabel('------> sin(t)')

BEIT, 6th Semester

Matlab Plot

BEIT, 6th Semester

Example: Draw unit step and delayed
unit step functions
 n=input('enter value of n')

 t=0:1:n-1;
 y1=ones(1,n); %unit step
 y2=[zeros(1,4) ones(1,n-4)]; %delayed unit step
 subplot(2,1,1);
 stem(t,y1,'filled');ylabel('amplitude');
 xlabel('n----->');ylabel('amplitude');
 subplot(2,1,2);
 stem(t,y2,'filled');
 xlabel('n----->');ylabel('amplitude');

BEIT, 6th Semester

Matlab Plot

BEIT, 6th Semester


BEIT, 6th Semester

Scripts and Functions
 Script files are ‘M-files’ with some valid
MATLAB commands.

 Generally work on global variables present

in the workspace.

 Results obtained after executing script

files are left in the workspace.

BEIT, 6th Semester

Scripts and Functions
 Function files are also ‘M-files’ but with
local variables .
 Syntax of defining a function

function [output variable] =

function_name (input variable)

 File name should be exactly same as

function name.
BEIT, 6th Semester
Example : user defined function
 Assignment is the method of giving a value to a
variable. You have already seen this in the
interactive mode. We write x=a to give the value
of a to the value of x. Here is a short program
illustrating the use of assignment.
function r=mod(a,d)
%If a and d are integers, then r is the integer remainder of a after
division by d. If a and b are integer matrices, then r is the matrix
of remainders after division by corresponding entries.
%You should make a file named mod.m and enter this program
exactly as it is written.
%Now assign some integer values for a and d writing another .m file
and Run
 a =[10 10 10]; d = [3 3 3]; Another .m file to access
 mod(a,d); above function
BEIT, 6th Semester
Loops, flows:
for m=1:10:100
num = 1/(m + 1)
%i is incremented by 10 from 1 to 100

I = 6; j = 21
if I > 5
k = I;
elseif (i>1) & (j == 20)
k = 5*I + j
k = 1;
%if statement

BEIT, 6th Semester


BEIT, 6th Semester

Few in-built Matlab functions
sin() sqrt()
cos() square()
log() rand()
asin() random()
acos() real(x)
exp() imag(x)
sinh() conv()

 Type ‘help’, followed by the function name on the

Matlab command window, press enter. This will
display the function definition.
 Study the definition of each function.
BEIT, 6th Semester
1>Draw a straight line satisfying the equation: y = 3*x + 10

2> Create matrices with zeros, eye and ones

3>Draw a circle with radius unity. (use cos for x axis, sin for y

4>Draw a cosine wave with frequency 10kHz. Use both ‘plot’ and
‘stem’ functions to see the difference.

5>Multiply two matrices of sizes 3x3.

6>Plot the parametric curve x(t) = t, y(t) = exp(-t/2) for 0<t<pi/2

using ezplot

7>Plot a cardioid r() = 1 + cos() for 0<  <pi/2

BEIT, 6th Semester

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