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Countable and

Uncountable Nouns
Countable nouns
• Countable nouns adalah kata benda yang dapat
dihitung secara langsung, misalnya one apple,
two apples dan sebagainya.

• Countable nouns juga dapat menggunakan

artikel a atau an. A book, a bag, an hour, a
• I have a brother and two sisters.
• Ryan has a cheese sandwich and an apple
for breakfast.
Uncountable Nouns (mass nouns)
• Uncountable noun atau disebut juga mass nouns adalah kata
benda yang tidak dapat dihitung.
• Uncountable nouns juga dapat di ingat sebagai kata benda
yang hanya memiliki satu bentuk saja. Contohnya adalah
• Kata tersebut tidak bisa dikatakan a water atau two water,
tetapi dapat digunakan dengan menyisipkan kata benda
lainnya, contohnya a glass of water.
• rice, love, sugar, assistance, cheese, coffee, money, tea, music,
art, sand, air, etc.

• She has some food.

• Can you give me some information about that?
There is
• There is (there’s) + a singular noun / uncountable noun.
• Example :
- There is a car on the roads.
- Is there a car on the roads?
- There is one police.
- There is some water in my bottle.
- Is there some water in your bottle? Yes, there is./ No, there’s
There are
• There are (there’re) + plural nouns
• e.g - There are three girls on the roads
• - There are two people there.
- There are two cups of tea.

- Are there three girls on the roads? Yes, there are. / No, there

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