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- Male with XYY chromosomes, as surveys

would indicate, are likely to become inmates
of prisons and mental hospitals, although
recent studies have questioned the link
between the extra chromosome and
aggressive tendencies.
- The theory of social learning believes that “
aggression can be learned through
observation or imitation and that the more
It is reinforced, the more likely it is to occur.”
- most studies on aggresssion and TV
violence conclude that “viewing TV violence
does increase interpersonal aggression, most
especially in young children.”
- Michael B. Rothenberg, an American doctor,
has presented evidence to support this
relation of TV violence and aggressive
- Richard Goranson in “ a Review of recent
literature on the psychological effect of media
portrayal of violence” say: “Novel, aggressive
behavior sequences are learned by children
through exposure to aggressive action shown
on TV films.
- Another bad effect of viewing TV violence is
the decreased emotional sensitivity to media
violence. Aggression anxiety deceases while
giving way to increased ability to violent wth
- Contrary popular belief that watching

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