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What Is Sociology?
Sociology is the scientific study of human social life,

groups, and societies with emphasis on modern,

industrialized systems.
Developing a Sociological Perspective
◦ What we believe to be true or “natural” is strongly influenced by historical
and social forces
◦ Thinking imaginatively and detaching from preconceived ideas about social
• Putting things in a wider context
• Seeing daily activity as a reflection of larger social issues
The Development of Social Thinking
Theories and Theoretical Approaches

◦ Sociology not only explores how things happen by also why they happen

◦ We need theories to help us make sense of facts

◦ Sociologists disagree about how to study human behavior and how to

interpret results
Levels of Social Understanding
Looking at the world through other
people’s eyes
Sociological Perspective
The belief that people’s social backgrounds influence their attitudes,

behaviors, and life chances.

The Debunking Motif
“looking for levels of reality other than those given in the official
interpretations of society”

As an example, question yourself this,

Consider the power structure in a city or your state. Who

has the power to make decisions for masses?
The Concept of Self
Every individual comes to possess a social identity by occupying

statuses—culturally and socially defined positions—in the course of

his or her socialization.

Socialization & Development
Looking-glass self
o Charles Horton Cooley

o First, we imagine how our actions appear to others.

o Second, we imagine how other people judge these actions.

o Finally, we make some sort of self-judgment based on the presumed judgments

of others.

In effect, other people become a mirror or looking glass for us.

Herbert Mead
Significant Others vs Generalized Others
o Preparatory Stage
o Play Stage
o Game Stage
Social Units & Socialization
Primary Family
Socialization School
Peer Groups
TV, Movies, & Video Games

Adult Marriage & Responsibility

Socialization Career Development: Vocation & Identity
Ageing and Society

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