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Hip-hop dancing

Playing Badminton

Playing Basketball

Strength training

Aerobics exercise

Ballroom dancing


Yoga exercise

Zumba exercise

Basic Warm-up
Neck stretch
 Bend your head forward and slightly to the right.
 With your right hand,
gently pull your head
downward to stretch
your neck.
 Hold for about 16 counts
Repeat on the opposite side.
Shoulder rolls
 Stand in upright position. Roll shoulders in
circular motion forward to backward.
Side Arm Stretch
 Stand in upright position. Extend the right arm to
the left.
 Use arm/hand to gently
push the right arm
towards the body to
straighten and stretch.
Tricep Stetch

 Extend one hand down the center of your back,

fingers pointing downwards.
 Use the other hand to
grasp the elbow and
stretch your tricep muscles.
Hamstring Stretch
 Stand with your feet shoulder-width apart, one foot
extended half step forward.
 Keeping the front leg straight,
 bend rear leg. Resting both
 hand on the bent thigh.
Quadricep Stretch
 Stand near a wall or a piece of sturdy exercises
equipment for support.
 Grasp your ankle and
gentle pull your heel up
and back until you feel
a stretch in front of your
Outer Thigh Strech
 Sit on the floor. Extend your legs in front of
your body
 Bend right knee, cross right foot over left
knee and place on the floor.
 Place left elbow on the right knee.
 Keep abdominal muscles tight and back
straight. Keep shoulders back and chin up.
 Place right arm behind your right hip on the
floor for support.
 Gently twist waist and shoulders to the right looking
behind the right shoulder.
 Feel the stretch in the
outer thigh.
 Inhale through your nose and
exhale through your mouth,
as you complete this stretch.
Inner Thigh Stretch
 Stand upright, with both feet facing forward, double
shoulder-width apart.
 Place your hands on your hips,
in order to keep your back straight,
slowly exhale, taking
your body weight across
to one side.
Calf Stretch
 Begin this calf stretch with your hands against the
wall and your leg
 to be stretched behind you.
 Keep your heel down,
knee straight and feet
pointing forwards. Gently
lunge forwards until you
feel a stretch in the
back your calf or knee.
Knee Bend Squat
 Plant your feet flat on the ground, about
shoulder-width apart.
 Point your feet slightly outward, not straight
a head.
 Look straight ahead. Bend your knees as if
you were going to sit back in a chair, keeping
your heels on the floor.
 Never let your knees extended beyond your
 In a controlled manner slowly lower yourself down
so that your upper legs
are nearly parallel with the floor.
Extend your arms for balance

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