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1. Arithmetic Operator:
+, -, *, /, %
2. Relational Operator:
<> or !=
= (both assignment and comparison)
3.Logical Operator: (Used to combine two operations)
 OR

4 .Special Operator:
 IN
 IS
Emp_No Ename Sal Comm Dept_No Hiredate

1 Smith 15000 5000 10 2011-03-15

2 Allen 20000 20 2011-05-20

3 Harry 18000 10 2011-11-20

4 Williams 30000 30 2011-01-11

5 Sandra 17000 7000 20 2011-07-21

Display name of every employee along with its total
income –

Select ename ,sal+comm as income from employee;

Display emp records whose sal is multiple of 3;

Select * from employee where sal%3=0;

Display records of employee whose salary is from 15000
to 20000

select * from employee where sal>=15000 And


Display records of those employee who don’t earn

between 15000 to 20000

select * from employee where sal<15000 or

USE of BETWEEN Operator
Between operator is used to compare column value with
range of values

Select * from employee where sal between 15000

and 20000;

Select * from employee where sal not between 15000

and 20000;
Use of IN Operator
Used to compare column value with multiple values.

NOT IN(v1,v2……vn)

SELECT * FROM employee WHERE sal IN(15000,18000);

Select * from employee WHERE sal NOT

Use of LIKE Operator
Use to compare column values with patterns.


LIKE ‘Pattern’

NOT LIKE ‘Pattern’

Pattern consist of various symbols like –

% - To replace none or many characters

_(underscrore) – To replace exactly one char

Display employee records whose name start with S.

Select * from employee where ename like ‘S%’;

Display employee records whose name ends with S.

Select * from employee where ename like ‘%S’;

Display employee records where A is the second char in

there name
Select * from employee where ename like ‘_A%’;
Select name, address from student where tot_marks=68
AND branch=‘BE’;

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