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My ideal Self

Activity 2
My ideal Self…
……………………My ideal self does not smoke!
My ideal Self…
………………My ideal self never drinks alcohol!

My ideal Self…
………………My ideal self wakes up early in the morning

My ideal Self…
………………My ideal self is always exercised in the morning

My ideal Self…
………………My ideal self usually eats healthy!

My ideal Self…
………………My ideal self goes to church on Sundays!

My ideal Self…
………………My ideal self is a believer of Christ.!

My ideal Self…
………………My ideal self is a family lover.!

My ideal Self…
………………My ideal self usually doesn't tell lies.!

My ideal Self…
………………My ideal self is responsible with your work..!

My ideal Self…
………………My ideal self always arrives on time for appointments.!

My ideal Self…
………………My ideal self goes to bed early!


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