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Mitosis :is a process of cell division that makes possible

regeneration of body parts.

Chromatin condense and become chromosomes (two
sister chromatids joined together at centromere.
Nucleus disappears.
Nuclear membrane breaks down.
Centrosome each with a pair of centrioles begin to
move to opposite poles and form spindle fibers
between them.
Protein attach to centromere creating the
Kinetochore: is a protein structure on chromatids
where spindle fibers attach during cell division to pull
sister chromatids apart.
Their proteins help to hold sister chromatids together.
Microtubules attach at kinetochores and chromosomes
begin moving.
Chromosomes move to middle line called equatorial
plate / metaphase plate.
This organization helps to ensure that in next phase ,
when the chromosomes are separated each new
nucleus will receive one copy of each chromosome.
Anaphase :
A sister chromatids separate at kinetochore and move
towards opposite sides of cell as microtubules shorten.
As chromosomes separate completely into two sets one
at each pole.
Anaphase is considered complete.
Telophase :
Daughter chromosomes arrive at poles and chromatin
starts to recoil.
Nuclei reform along with nucleoli.
Nuclear membrane reappears.
Chromosomes disperses and no longer visible.
Spindle fibers disperse.
Cytokinesis: is partition of cytoplasm.
In animals:
In animals a cleavage furrow occurs in plasma membrane
which divides cytoplasm into two daughters cells.
Each contain a nucleus.

In plants:
In cell wall is triggered at the center of cell by formation of
cell plate.
Cell plate grows outwards till it meets existing wall
resulting in two daughter cells.

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