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Simple Present Tense

 Digunakan untuk menjelaskan

 Kebiasaan
 Contoh: He drinks tea every morning
 Fakta
 Contoh: The sun rises in the east
 Kalimat Pengandaian (Conditional Sentence)
 Contoh: If it rains, we will get wet
 Kejadian yang akan datang dan sudah terprogram
 Contoh: The train leaves at 8 o’clock
Simple Present Tense

 Formula Kalimat Verbal

+ Subject + Verb 1 (+s, +es, +ies) + Object She buys a cat

- Subject + does/ do + not + Verb 1 + Object She does not buy a cat
? Does/ do + Subject + Verb 1 + Object? Does she buy a cat?

 Formula Kalimat Nominal

+ Subject + am/ is/ are + noun/ adjective/ adverb

She is beautiful
- Subject + am/ is/ are + not + noun/ adjective/ adverb
She is not beautiful
? Am/ is/ are + Subject + noun/ adjective/ adverb
Is she beautiful
Aturan Penambahan s/es/ies
Infinitive Verb
1. Secara umum kata kerja hanya ditambahkan “s” saja

• read reads

• cut cuts

• run runs

• make makes

2. Yang berakhiran dengan huruf “ch, sh, s, x, dan o” maka harus ditambah akhiran “es”

• catch catches

• brush brushes

• kiss kisses

• go goes

• do does

3. Yang berakhiran dnegan huruf “y” dan didahului dengan huruf konsonan maka huruf “y” dihilangkan dan
ditambah akhiran “ies”. Huruf “y” berubah menjadi “i”.

• carry carries

• cry cries
Question Word (W+H)

 What : Apa?
 Who : Siapa? (subjek)
 Whom : Siapa? (objek)
 When : Kapan?
 Where : Di mana?
 Which : Yang mana?
 Whose : Milik siapa?
 How : Bagaimana?
Command and Prohibition
 Command (Perintah)
 Pick up the pen!
 Take my towel, please
 You must sleep at 9 PM!

 Prohibition (Larangan)
 Do not open the door!
 You must not sleep late!

 Cara menjawab
 Setuju : - sure - OK - All right
 Tidak Setuju : -I’m sorry -Sorry, I can’ t - I’ m afraid I can’t

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