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Project definition Specification Conceptual Product Product

and planning definition design development support

Form Identify Generate Generate Support

team customers concepts product vendors

Develop Generate Evaluate Evaluate product Maintain

tasks customer's concepts engineering
requirements Performance changes
Research Make and
market Yes Evaluate Yes concept robustness Support
competition decisions customer
Estimate Yes Cost
schedule Generate Yes Support
and cost engineering Document and Production manufacturing
specifications communicate and assembly
Refine Make
product Retire product
Set targets Refine plan decisions
Refine Refine Document and
Cancel Specification concept *Drawings
project approval approval

Release for
Cancel Cancel production
project project approval

New product Ideas come from :
 Marketing department
 Engineers and Scientists
 2 to 10% of revenue is spent on R & D
 Design and Refine

Questions to be asked :
-Is there a good potential return on investment (ROI)?
-Does the new product or improvement fit the
company image?
–Does it fit the distribution channels?
–Is there sufficient production capacity inhouse
or with known vendors?
– What will the project cost?
 Planning is the process used to develop a
scheme for scheduling and committing the
resources of time, money, and people.
 Planning results in a map showing how
product design process activities are scheduled.
 Planning generates a procedure for developing
needed information and distributing it to the
correct people at the correct time.
 The activity of planning results in a blueprint
for a process.
 Most companies have a generic process (I.e.,
a master plan) that they customize for specific
 This master plan is called the product
development process, product delivery
process, new product development plan, or
product realization plan.
 Quality Management System
 Company has a quality system that
– Standardizes, organizes and controls operation
– Provides for consistent dissemination of
 Improves various aspects of the business-based
use of statistical data and analysis.
 Enhances customer responsiveness to products
and services
 Encourages improvement
 Variation of an existing product
 Improvement of an existing product
 Development of a new product for single or
small run
 Development of a new product for mass
Large teams – many members, specialized functions
Small teams – one individual may fill many roles
 Product design engineer
 Product manager Main teams
 Manufacturing engineer
 Detailer
 Drafter
 Technician
 Materials specialist
 Quality control/assurance specialist
 Analyst
 Industrial engineer
 Assembly manager
 Vendor’s or supplier’s representatives
 Project plan is a document that defines the
tasks necessary to be completed during the
design process
 For each task, the plan states the objectives,
the personnel requirements, the time
requirements, the schedule relative to other
tasks, projects, and programs; and some
times cost estimates.
 Step 1 : Identify the tasks
 Step 2 : State objectives of each task
 Step 3 : Estimate the personal, Time, and other
resources needed to meet the objectives
Time allocation in phases :
– Project Planning – 3 to 5%
– Specification definition – 10 to 15%
– Conceptual design – 15 to 35%
– Product development – 50 to 70%
– Product support – 5 to 10%
 Step 4 : Develop a Sequence for the tasks
 Step 5 : Estimate the Product Development Cost
Ketentuan yang mengikat dan mendasari
perencanaan dan pelaksanaan project,
berdasarkan jenis dan rumusan produk,
sumber daya yang dimiliki dan dibutuhkan,
serta kondisi pasar.
Tipe project perancangan berdasarkan
jenis produk dibagi kedalam :
1 Project perancangan produk original
2 Project perancangan produk inovatif
3 Project perancangan produk varian
Kegiatan perencanaan agar proyek berlangsung/
berjalan sesuai harapan/batasan, yang
mencakup :
 Mengidentifikasi pekerjaan-pekerjaan dalam
proses perancangan
 Menyusun tujuan dan target setiap pekerjaan
 Membuat perkiraan tenaga kerja dan waktu
untuk mencapai tujuan/sasaran pekerjaan
 Menyusun urutan pelaksanaan pekerjaan
 Membuat perkiraan biaya proses perancangan
 Membuat jadwal kerja perancangan
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