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Family is one of the sweetest words

Anyone can say because the letters of

family means “Father and Mother I
Love You” so love your family always
Being a family means you are a part
of something very wonderful. It
means you will love and be love and
for the rest of your life.
Family is not always in the blood.Its
the people in your life who want you
in theirs. The ones who accept you
for who you are. The ones who
would do something to see your
As your mother I promise you that I will
always be in one of three places. In front
of you to cheer you on, behind you to
have your back, or next to you so that
you are not alone
Family is not about blood. Its about
who is willing to hold your hand
when you need it the most.
Actually I do. Being blood related does not
make you family. I have lots of people in my
life I would consider family over my blood
because we actually love each other. Also,
Hun, I can call you whatever I want.
No family is perfect we argue, we
fight, we even stop talking to each
other at tines but in the end, Family is
Family. The love will always be there.
Family is like music, some high
notes, some low notes but always
a beautiful song.
Prepared By :
May T. Cubalan

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