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I had completed my summer training on Python with Machine

Learning. These 2 months’ internship from LAXMI

ENTEPRISIES PVT. LTD. was done on Infrastructure of
Anaconda IDE, where I worked on the python libraries (numpy,
pandas, sklearn, and Opencv) and I created various real life
projects based on machine learning algorithms like: -
• Face Detection System,
• Models based upon Classification, Regression, etc.
 Python language is based on oops like( java and C++ ) and object
based(c),it means it follows classes concept and functions concept.
 Every data in python is considered as class.
 Python is loosely typedef language, strongly dynamically language.
 There is no character in python and there is no double in python.
 In Python, there is string (by default).
 Python follow interpreter as well as compiler based.
 Python is totally portable language.
 Python is independent.
 There is no do while loop in python.
 Primitive datatype
 1. Number
 2.List.
 3.Tuple
 4.Dictionary.
 5.Set
 6.String
 Python do not support function overloading but supports operator overloading
 1.Logical
 2.Bitwise.
 3.Arithematical.
 4.Relational
 5.Membership
Machine Learning is a scientific study of algorithms through artificial
intelligence (AI) that makes the machine capable enough to predict the
outcomes of a particular problem statement and to solve it computationally.
Machine learning algorithm helps in taking the decision, that is why
machine learning is subdivided into a category a decision-making algorithm.
Machine learning enhances the ability to think or reason logically. It is
completely based on A.I. concept that involves processing data into
information in first stage, then converting data into knowledge in the
second stage and finally converting knowledge into WISDOM also known
as Intelligence
Machine Learning includes many categories of
sub-algorithms in order to make correct
predictions with their accuracy and error.
Machine Learning includes many libraries like
open CV, Sklearn to predict the estimations more
accurately. Anaconda software was used for
performing Machine-Learning on this project
and the work was done on Jupyter Notebook
IDE (Integrated Development Environment).
i. Import particular algorithm(i.e., call the trainer) like KNN.
ii. Initialize the algorithm(i.e., call the constructor).
iii. Trainer starts training(i.e., we are going to be give e.g. to the
iv. FIT is a method by which we can feed Data.
v. we have to test our model for testing purpose we are only
give features and model has to give answers.
vi. PREDICT is a method for testing the model.
Total no. of correct classification
Accuracy Score =
Total no. of class
S.No. Name Description
1. Face Detection System Used different Machine Learning modules ,Open CV,
and matplotlib to detect face.

2. Body Mass Index Classifier Used algorithms of machine learning to predict the BMI
INDEX of a person.

3. DIGIT recognition Used different Machine Learning modules ,Open CV,

and matplotlib to detect digit.
So, the outcome of my summer
training is that I had created an
interest in Machine Learning and
choose as a career.

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