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Arranged by :

Group 6
1. Anggun Putri S. (06)
2. Hesti Handayani (16)
3. Reni Anjarwati (26)
4. Vina Yuniarti (36)
The purpose of procedure text is to tell the reader how to make
“TEMPE CRUNCHY” through a sequence of actions or steps.
600 gram tempe 200 ml water 100 gram rice

½ tsp. slaked lime

water Vegetable oil
Ingredients for seasoning

1 clove garlic 4 candlenuts Salt to taste

1 tsp. corlander
1 cm fresh kencur

Frying pan and spatula Mortar


Cutting board basin spoon

Step of making tempe crunchy
1. Slice the tempe in thin 3 x 5 cm squares. Set aside
2. Puree the ingredients for seasoning (garlic,candlenut, salt, kencur,
coriander) using a mortar.
3. Mix the spice-paste together with the water and slaked lime water.
Add the rice flour and blend till smooth.
4. Dip the tempe into the batter
5. Heat the oil in a wok, and fry until it is golden brown
If it done lift and drain it. Serve on a plate.

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