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There is a fine line between quitting a career

and taking a break from it. Sometimes a person

may need time away from work and that’s when
a career break becomes an option.
Contrary to popular belief, a career break isn't
supposed to be a bad thing, which is why we
need to educate ourselves about it.
“a period of time during which one chooses not
to work”

 What to do when you’re considering a career

 What are the implications of a career break?
 Are career breaks successful?
 How to make the most of your career break?
 How to address a career break on your cv?
Points to consider beforehand,
◦ Do I really need to take this break?
◦ What are my reasons?
◦ What will be the time length?

Always go through counselling and consultation

when making these decisions.
Always inform and negotiate terms with your
 Taking such a sabbatical can have a positive
effect if you plan everything carefully.

 These adult gap years have an almost

recreational purpose, they help you sort out
your personal life from your work life.

 If the free time is utilized productively, they

might even help you come back as an
improved and more motivated employee.
No matter what reasons you have for your
sabbatical, you can always take out time for
activities that will help you up your game,
 Study further
 Travel and experience
 Increase your social circle
 Explore other genres of your profession
 Increase your skillset
 Consider part-time or online jobs that may
help you.
Revise your CV,

 Convey your new understanding of the job

 Mention how it created broader horizons
 Highlight your learning through the process
 Fresh start and clearer focus
 Emphasize on how it was your choice to take
the gap.
Key factors may include,

 Reset
 Rebalance
 Find new motivation
 Focus on personal life
 Family priorities
 Nourish your physical and mental health

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