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Story telling competition

August 17th 2016 ( SMP Bina Prestasi
My utterance
• When do they have the event?
• To celebrate what?
• - who is the man there?
• What is he doing?
• - Why?
• When the principal is shaking his
hands, what do you think he’s
The objective / purpose of
• to express hopes and wishes to
others and congratulate others for
their fortune
and achievement, in order to keep
good personal relationship with
The winner of the story-
competition in this class is
Congratulations Lina!


Thank you, Mam. Thank you,

I hope so too,
Lina, because you are the winner of the Ma’am
story-telling competition in this class, .
you Yes, I’ll do my best.
will represent this class for the story-
competition of our school next month.

Prepare your best for the

will you? I hope you will win the
prize, too. Good luck.
Lina, you are a very good story teller.
I’m sure you will win the school’s
story-telling competition. Good luck.


Thank you Edo.

champion of the class, Lina! I hope
you will be the winner of the
competition too.


Thanks. I hope so too.

Thank you. Wish me
Lina, I’m happy for you.
I hope you will win the first prize in the
school’s competition.


Of course. Good luck.
Yes, it’s my dream. And I have
Congratulations Lina. It’s your
practiced everyday for the last
two months with my dad. dream to go to the school’s story
telling competition, isn’t it?

Thank you, Siti, Udin, for

your Sure, you have to work
support. hard for your dreams.
Good luck.
Observe the dialogs
• What expression they say?
• What is the structure of the
sentences that mostly can we find
in the dialogs?
Simple future tense
• untuk menyatakan peristiwa yang Akan Terjadi
• Setiap Future pasti pakai WILL atau SHALL, artinya
• Rumus Future Tense
Positif: S + will /shall+ V1
Negatif: S + will/shall + not + V1
Tanya: Will /shall+ S + V1

Example; (+) siti will come here

( -) Siti will not come here
(?) will siti come here? No, She won’t
Yes, she will
Note : will not = won’t
• Rumus Future Tense yang tidak pakai kata kerja
Positif: S + will + be + complement
Negatif: S + will + not + be + complement
Tanya: Will + S + be + complement ?
• Complement adalah pelengkap ( adjective/ noun/ adverb/Noun
• I will = I'll
We will = we'll
You will = you'll
He will = he'll
She will = she'll
They will = they'll

• keterangan waktu berikut biasa

ditambahkan: tomorrow, next month/ next
year, three days to go, next year/ next
Sunday, soon, tonight,
immediately/directly ( dengan segera), in
What should you do when your friend takes part in a competition or a
race? Before he or she goes for a test or an examination?
What should you do when your friend wins the competition, a
race? Or,
when your friend passes his or her exam?

• Support him/ her

• Say “ I hope……
• Say congratulations to her /his
What for?
Why do we need to hope for others’
success, others’
Why do we need to congratulate others for
fortune and achievement?

• The answer is……

in order to keep good
personal relationship
with them.

Do you understand?
• Change the sentences below into
negative and interrogative
• 1. I will sing and dance on stage
• (-) (?)
• 2. my beautiful little sister will
perform a modern dance at school
• 3. Rhoma and Ani will be there
• 4. Agnes Monika will come to the
show tonight

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